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Guest in the Affro D Isaac radio show
See below all radios who broadcast the Afrro D Isaac radio show every weeks:
The biography:
Discovering the electro music at the dawn of his 16 years, Isaac Washington plunges into an insatiable madness to discover, enrich his musical influences. He’s taking the old family vinyls, digs up this old disco old of nobody wants, mixes, remixes …
Eclectic in his choices, fresh and tonic during his sets, he becomes resident in the Gibus, participates at the Gay pride,, the Techno parade, enchant the VIP area of the Apple Expo…
Fascinated by the new technologies, he reformats his image, receives the support of Koss, Beyer Dynamic, Mood and Promo One (Beatport) begins programming the 2.0 version of his website, an international platform of exchange.
Invites the Helvetian Dj Antoine, the Canadian John Acquaviva, exchanges with the other radios as European Hit Radio in Latvia, to offer his best cocktail of soulful-garage-funk-disco-trance to the 1,2 million weekly auditors.
Découvrant l’électro à l’aube de ses 16 ans, Isaac Washington se plonge dans une frénésie insatiable de découvrir, enrichir ses influences musicales. Il ressort les vieux vinyles familiaux, exhume cette vieille disco dont plus personne ne veut, mixe, remixe…
Eclectique dans ses choix, frais et tonique dans ses sets, il devient résident au Gibus, participe à la Gay pride, la Techno Parade, enchante les VIP de l’Apple Expo…
Passionné de nouvelles technologies, il reformate son image, reçoit le soutien de Koss, Beyer Dynamic, Mood et Promo One (Beatport) se met à programmer la version 2.0 de son site, véritable plateforme d’échange internationale. Invite l’helvète Dj Antoine, le canadien John Acquaviva, échange avec d’autres radios comme Europen Hit Radio en Lettonie, pour offrir son meilleur cocktail soulful-garage-funk-disco-trance aux 1,2 Millions d’auditeurs hebdo.