I`m into music since 9 month before my birth.....
should be destination to build my world around that core:...music...Introduced into home- and studio-recording I try to catch
little daily scenes and pictures that come my way. I'm also acting as djane with several names - find them all out. Looking back at a lot of work with lots of bands- looking forward to just the same;)
1999-2005 Studies in Classical Violin, Piano and Voice at
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg
1995-2005 "Mrs Wallace", the later "Alaska" (marshmarigold HH)
1997-2006 cooperations with "Dr. König Arthus" Hamburg
2004 cooperations with "Our Blanket Skies" (Hamburg)
2004-2006 cooperations with "The Love Police" (Hamburg)
2002-act. cooperations with "Benjamin Wild" (miraumusik HH)
2005 cooperations with "Tangon Taikaa" (Hamburg/Berlin)
2006 cooperations with BW + "Zachary Cale" (New York)
2006-2007 "The Iron Lung Quintet" (Hamburg)
2007 "Poems For Laila" (Berlin)
2008 "all of them witches" ("i saw music" Hamburg)
Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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