'Dig For Victory!' is the fledgling designer clothing label of Eleanor Callaghan, who specialises in making one-off retro-inspired dresses and jackets from the fabrics of the past. Curtains, tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads - all are plucked from their respite in the charity shop and brought back to life as quirky and unique garments for girls who still love to play dress-up.
'Dig For Victory!' clothing is currently available in:
Kokon to Zai, 57 Greek Street, SoHo, London
Kokon to Zai, 48 rue Tiquetonne, 75002, Paris
Lulie-B, 39B Sydney Street, Brighton
Prangsta Costumiers, 304 New Cross Rd, London
Oxfam, North St, Brighton
Dig For Victory! at London Alternative Fashion Week
For those who'd like something special, send a myspace message or contact Eleanor Callaghan directly for your own unique frock made to order!
Contact Dig For Victory!
Eleanor Callaghan
email: [email protected]
phone: 07779657396