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The master took a book from its box. When he opened it there was the smell of drying clovebuds.

About Me

live as one already dead. This is the way, this is true determination. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Life as it relates to death

I'd like to meet:

A very good Question


Takes to much time to list it all; lets just say that I like a lot of music and leave it at that eg I actually listen to peoples myspace songs


The Bicycle Thief The Boondock Saints The Closet The One Plunkett and Mclain The Princess Bride Princess Mononoke V for Vandetta Spirited Away


I try not to indulge in cathode ray addiction but when I do: Samurai Jack Metalocalypse Invader Zim


"The Book of Five Rings" "Transmetropolitian" "Banksy wall and peice" "The Art Of Shen Ku" "An open heart" "The Hagakure" "Snow Crash" "Diamond Age" "Stardust" "neverwhere" "Sandman" "The Wheel Of Time" "The Gods Drink Whisky" "Remember Be Here Now"


Miyamot Musashi Banksy Spider Jerusalem Siddhartha Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi are a few