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.. Create Your Own..My doggy mummy was a full pedigree British Bulldog and my doggy Daddy was a full pedigree French Bulldog.. My Mummy says that makes me a BULLFROG!! I reckon it just makes me damn cool! Man I am so pimpin'! Look at all my funky doggy buddies!!.. Surely there must be a hot laydeeee doggy or two out there who wants a date with a handsome little bugger like me..? No bottom sniffin' on the first date.. I promise!! .. Well maybe a little bit..! ruff ruff ruff! aroooooo! Well I am the king of the house, I chew everything that's mine and if it ain't mine, I chew it til nobody wants it any more then I chew it some more!! I looooove to steal the toilet roll.. especially when someone's on the toilet ha ha ha aroooo! Then I like to run round and eat it so they have to chase me with their pants round their ankles! I loooove new toys.. That is until I've eaten them.. Then mummy has to buy me some more! Yaaay! I made short work of Mr. Moo.. Now he's decapitated Mr. Moo.. Oh and Scooby Doo has no head, no feet or tail... In fact he's just Scooby torso now! Whenever I can I like to get into mummy's cupboard and pick a nice tasty looking shoe or two and destroy it! Yeah I love designer shoes! The more expensive the better! I like to show these humans who's boss by letting one go when they are watching TV and ignoring me, then they have to CLEAR THE ROOM! Cos the man of the house has spoken!! grrrrr! ruff ruff ruff! That'll teach them not to pay attention to me! When mummy takes me for walks along the river Thames I like to jump in when I can, even though mummy is shouting at me not to... Something about rats wee and disease or something.. I don't care.. I love it! Yaaay! grrrrrrr I'm the king!!!
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