sniffing, dollies-the fuzzier the better, layin out in the sun & softy blankets, sleeping, snoring, rawhides, chewing apart all my toys, wrestling, hangin at the park, making people laugh, making cute faces for yummys, licking anyone who pays attention to me, kisses, rolling around in the grass after bathing, making silly faces for more yummys, doggy modeling, pooping,snugglin with my mommy, taking road trips,stickn my head out the car window, long walks, water hoses, lawn mowers & did i mention yummy treats?
cuties like me :) and humans who want to gimme yummys!!...and Mojo jojo!
Animal planet, pup named scooby-doo, DOG the bounty hunter, courage the cowardly dog, the dog whisperer
the chewing kind!
my mommy for never forgetting my YUMMYS!!|
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