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Sushi Rocks

I'll make you hungry...and you'll be addicted to me....come back for more

About Me

Sushi Rocks'inception began on Feb.11, National Foundation Day of Japan. I'm not involved with sushi business whatsoever, but Rock'n' Roll business. Sushi got a lot to do with Rock'n'Roll. For instance, Alex Van Halen took some Wasabi before he went on stage to get a kick out of it!I guess it's more powerful and healthier than any drugs....sort of speak.....(a true story)
I've been to so many sushi bars in USA(mostly in LA and NY), Melbourne(Australia),Auckland(New Zealand)and of course in Tokyo.And I'm here to share the joy of sushi craving with people in all over the world! Let's all exchage information of best recommended sushi bar in your town as well. Nice to meet you all.
Sushi in General
Sushi is known as one of healthiest foods in Japan. In nowadays, sushi has became a delicacy, as the most famous Japanese food all over the world and one of the most popular dishes among the Japanese themselves who usually enjoy sushi on special occasions.
Actually, there are various types of Sushi.
Nigiri:(hand-formed sushi) is based on seafood and small rice balls on bottom,the most traditional sushi.
Gunkan is small cups made of Shari(sushi rice) and Nori(dried seaweed) filled with seafood, etc. Some of the most common ones being Uni(sea urchin) and various kinds of fish eggs such as Ikura, or Negitoro(chopped fatty tuna with spring onions).

Norimaki (Rolled sushi)is rolled in Nori(dried seaweed),there are many varieties of sushi rolls differing in ingredients and thickness.Thick roll is called Futomaki (thick rolls;e.g. California roll),thin roll is called Hosomaki(Thin rolls; e.g. Cucumber roll, Tekka roll).

Norimaki prepared "inside out" (such as California roll) are very popular outside of Japan, but rarely found in Japan because we just don’t have any concept of having Nori(dried seaweed)inside, but has formed into a some kind of stereotype of sushi in these days.Norimaki seems more popular in western county.
Temaki(Hand rolls) is the rolled in cone that include a lot of Nori(dried seaweed), seafood and vegetables.
Sashimi(sliced raw fish, pronounced as sah-SHEE-mee)should only the freshest and highest-quality fish should be used for Sashimi is normally served with condiments such as shredded Daikon radish or gingerroot, Wasabi(horseradish made from the root of the herb Eutrema wasabi, A very, very pungent green condiment, used originally in the 19th century to kill parasites in the sushi fish). Dip Sashimi slices into Shouyu(soy sauce)before they are eaten.
Eat small doses of sliced Gari (pickled ginger) between variety of fishes as a palate refresher.
Wasabi and Gari
History of Sushi
A little is known of origins of sushi in Japan, some says there was a written record of sushi in 2nd Century AD in China, it is said that actual sushi's origins are in 4th century BC, somewhere in South East Asia, but it seemed to be arrive in Japan 8th century AD, the Heian period(794- 1185).
However, that time there was no refrigerators around, so people had to develop other means to preserve the food. So the fish was salted as pickled fish conserved in vinegar. That's how it is used to prepare with sushi vinegar for rice, and fish can keep fresh in friges nowadays.
In the postwar days in Japan, sushi was a delicacy and very expensive that sometimes couldn't be afforded. After the county’s economy is reconstructed, around the 1980's sushi become popular again when people became so health-conscious, there was "health-boom".
When I first lived in United States in late‘70s, some people used to say “Sushi? Yawk! How can you eat fish raw? It is awfully disgusting!” but soon after that time sushi bars and restaurants were spreaded through USA and all over the globe. There were some conveyor-belt sushi restaurants opened as well.Sushi finally got international fame inearly‘80s. yeah!
To be honest…I couldn’t eat much sushi myself, because didn’t like idea of eating “raw fish”until I actually tried when I was 18 years old. I was so starved to death from working too hard one night, had to committed myself that I'd take a bite, the rest is history!! My most favorite meal of all time!
Sushi Manners
Sushi is finger food. Clean your hands before eating Sushi.Never bite into a piece of food and then replace the other half on your plate. Once you have picked something up you should eat all of it. It’s because generally considered best form to eat Sushi in one bite.
In Japan, Sushi is served in small, bite-sized pieces. In Western countries, the size of sushi pieces tends to be a little larger, but most should still be edible in one piece.
However, if you think you can handle how to use well, you may use chopsticks to pick up the sushi pieces, unless you think they may be clumsy tools.
Never pass food to someone using chopsticks. (as this maneuver is reserved for handling cremated bones.)If you must share food, pass them the plate so that they can pick from it instead.
Most westerners eat Sushi by dipping it rice-side-down into Shouyu(soy sauce), and let sauce soak up into the rice. Actually the purpose of Shouyu is not to flavor the rice, but the fish. As such Sushi should be dipped rice-side-up in Shouyu and then carried to the mouth at once.
If you like to show your respect, as with any culture, it is polite to learn a little bit of the language.
Konnichiwa: Hello
Konbanwa: Good Evening
Arigato gozaimasu: Thank you
Sumimasen: Excuse me when you want to call the chef or waiter/waitress.
Itadakimasu: Traditionally phrase to say at the beginning of a meal.It means"I'm going to eat it"
Gochisousama deshita: At the end of meal. It means"I have enjoyed the dinner very much"
Oishii: Yummy!
Motto Tabetai: I want to eat some more
Onaka Ippai: I have had plenty
Mata Kimasu: I will come again

My Interests

Sushi A La Carte
Maguro: Tuna
Toro: Fatty Tuna
Ebi: Cooked Shrimp
Saba: Mackerel
Ika: Squid
Tako: Octopus
Hamachi: Yellowtail
Ikura: Salmon egg roe
Uni: Sea urchin
Aji: Spanish mackerel
Akagai: Red clam
Aoyagi: Yellow clam
Mirugai: Giant Clam Hotate:Scallop
Ama-ebi: Sweet shrimp
Anago: Conger eel
Engawa: Halibut fin muscle
Hirame: Halibut
Iwashi: Sardine
Kani: Crab meat
Sake: Salmon (also, rice wine)
Sanma: Japanese mackerel
Tekka: Tuna thin roll
Tobiko: Flying fish roe
Unagi: Freshwater eel

Gari: Pickled ginger
Agari: Hot green tea
Shari: Vinegared rice
Neta: Fish topping
Ponzu: Sauce with Japanese citron
Salmon :top Tuna :bottom:

the root of the herb Eutrema wasabi before grated and mix into paste;A very, very pungent condiment
My most favorite...Uni !!

I'd like to meet:

True Sushi Lovers who understand and appreciate the art of sushi.
WHICH PIECE IS YOUR FAVORITE SUSHI?? Post a comment or pics of your favorite sushi, and name, city or country of your favorite sushi bar/
Thanx, all you sushi lovers!


The Japanese tradition
Don't Believe Everything...
This is a joke!

Watch how to make ROCK n'California ROLL (but that's so American...)
All sushi are on time

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*myname* supports wasabi project*myname* supports wasabi project

My Blog

How To Make Nigiri Sushi.....Make sushi at home!!

Try it ! It's simple as you see!...
Posted by Sushi Rocks on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:04:00 PST

How To Speak Japanese when you're in danger!

Posted by Sushi Rocks on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 02:14:00 PST

How To Prepare Awabi(Abalone) Sashimi

"How to Parepare AWABI(Abalone) Sashimi" You can dive for abalone only with a license (in California it's $16.30 for a fishing license and an extra $12.60 for abalone) and take only four abalone per d...
Posted by Sushi Rocks on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST

How To Cook Sushi Rice

I'd like to thank a new friend called "Uncooked" for refering this info!Now, let's try and see how it comes out! Post a comment if you tried! ...
Posted by Sushi Rocks on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:27:00 PST

My Recent Sushi Lunch&Dinner

Dinner on Cumming , GA, Japanese restaurant called "Ichiban"Nigiri set and special roll called "Seven Sea" I didn't expect any sushi to be good in Georgia 'coz the ocean ain't so close from there, but...
Posted by Sushi Rocks on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 07:23:00 PST