b*alia donated her heart to science... profile picture

b*alia donated her heart to science...

..........i can't get NO satisfaction, can't get me NO berlin action....................

About Me

-ABOUT ME: ".....hyper like a sniper on the ginseng root....." *diary of a CEREAL killa*
earlyARRIVAL=june,6th,*deathFROMabove1975* year of the rabbit*** born in NEW YORK,raised in NEWENGLAND, educated in CHICAGO, stuck in PORTLAND.... artist from conception forward*got caught drinking my paintwater on multiple occasions as a small child *made Barbieclothes out of old birthday balloons (early signs of deviation andexperimentation abounded) *started collecting human teeth assoon as they started falling out, and haven't stopped yet(collecting teeth that is, not loosing them)*early fascination withasian art, that continues still... (i now travel to TOKYO tosell&exhibit /smokePINKcigarettes/jump on the bed @ theparkHYATT in my underWEAR)... *art class "darling" kindergartenthrough 12th (think molly ringwald/pretty in pink only meaner/narcotically CHALLENGED(?)..) *super dork transforms intodork/gorgeous while attending the SCHOOL of the ART INSTITUTE ofCHICAGO(pretentious film major with entourage in tow/narcoticallyENHANCED!!!) *discovered EGON SCHIELE & JOSEPH CORNELL *droppedout *traveled *collected*"rockstar by proxy-ed" *indulged*injected *endangered own life on many cinematic occasions*found a new "religion" in "comic books" and "urban artexperiments" (think TED MCKEEVER as messiah, DAVID CHOE as...um....the patron saint of.. um...KRYLON (?) *experienced theULTIMATE ACT'O'CREATION, had the MOST BEAUTIFUL son (z.o.luxa)*fell head over fuckin' heels in love.... with my computer *butstill waiting to find that elusive thing known as "true love"(or atthe VERY least some one who doesn't scare/bore me to tearsafter the first 6 weeks)*in a nut shell: a consumate AESTHETE,slightly hyper,overly anxious ,smart as a whip,lacking social filterand impulse control, but looks DAMN FINE in knee socks andunderwear sitting at the computer, @ 4a.m.,a half drank PABSTcluttched between my knees, crankin' out ONE SWEETdigital,POSTgraphic, NEOrevolutionary, fuckin' MASTERPIECE (?!?!?!?!??!!) after ANOTHER........................ YESSSSSSSS!!!!, (fr christSAKEZ!!!!), ALL ILLUSTRATION ON THIS PAGE IS BY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, b*alia:LUXA .......((PLEASE STOP inquiring AND/OR stealing!!!!!!)) ....................THANX..............................

My Interests

-INTERESTs: ****** VISUALcommunication, MANIPULATION of: ideas, images, sounds, time, media, (and occasoinally people..), chainSMOKING, artNITE, things that taste like plastic, static shocks, drinking beer in the shower,(*), slightly crooked teeth, syntax, HoT*MeDiCiNe .......... stingTHEORY ,brian molko's mouth, searching fr the perfect dryFUCK, tokyo, hedi slimane, eustress, people who UNDERSTAND and ADORE the GEMINI "condition", alexander mcqueen, selfPORTRAITS, jeanHARLOW, lobsters(!), sakuras, urbanVINYL, *darkMATTER* krylon under my fingernailz,NARS, vintageSEWINGnotions, learning TO speak japanese, learning NOT TO speak my mind at the most in-oppertune moments (yeah, yeah, im workin' on it!) SLEEPING for EITHER: 8 hours at a time -OR- less than a day and a half (HA ha heh...no, funny, truly...)

I'd like to meet:

-THE PROSPECT OF MEETING: ******ANYONE who could keep up with me would be nice.......... but mostly just other ART/DORKZ... ....oh,and......um.........

I have FIENDS/ friends








shift PRIME



MY michelle




itz like MUSIC to MY ears: **********************************************silverwear slowly sliding against my teeth* spray paint hissssss and rattle* the recording of a glass bottle breaking in reverse from a too/MACHINES track* the el train rushing into loganSQUARE*fake clapping in 80's NEWwave* tokyo subway CHIMES* "it's so EASY..." WEpeopleSPACEwithPHANTOMS* static* "smoke lingers round yr fingers" * skinnyARTboys who grind their teeth while sleeping in my bed *BEEEEEP..."you have NO new messages"* rubix in my livingroom minus an E string* "mama, i love you all the way to jupiter...with GRAVY!!!" *electric bug zappers* the guitar break at the end of PARANOID ANDROID* waking to a storm in the middle of the night *long zippers, zipping all....the....way....up.... **sparks** car crashes* that EVIL noise cats make when they're PISSED**DEVO** FLCL(1) when haruko first attacks the giantROBOT =sleepyHEAD by:thePILLOWS **fireWORKS that make that weird screaming sound** "...and was thinkin' of a day when i'd be too old to throw a ball this HEAVY" *the sound when a microphone drops to the stage* the lovely speaking voice of a certain british MENACE* guitar recordings where you can actually hear fingers SQUEEKING from one cord to the next***a PAUL POPE symphony of 100 whistleing tea kettles, all tuned to C major* helicopter's arrival *whoSAYS=theHORRORS * flashBULBS *NEONlite's drone/hum* *trak#13=BLEACH(downer)* davidBOWIE* the VIOLENT-POP brought by champagne opening* "...violetYRturningVIOLET...violet...!!!"* the chaos of alec empire's BJORK remixes* audio hallucinations of my phone ringing KRAFTWERK songz* meltBANANA with theremins *feedBACK and FUZZ*36chambers *bombination=the buzz of bees* pulling the needle off a record, all violent draggy style, in the middle of a song for dramatic effect** panic manifesting as laughter** "nigga YOU a frankenstein!!!" ****************************************************SHE sez:"....im so glad you CAME over................." HE sez: (smiling)"yeah...OVER your shoulder..."(!)


-FILM: ******peter greenaway!!!=the cook, the thief, his wife,and her lover*drowning by numbers* THEpillowBOOK TITUS,oldboy,...INtheMOODforLOVE, NIGHTwatch,Pi... shallowGRAVE,chungKINGexpress,DOOMgeneration, aCLOCKWORKorange, theSHINING, trainspotting, ferrisBUELLER'sDAYoff,SERENITY, urotsokudoji, BLADERUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(um, like DUH!!!!)***ALL-DAVID-LYNCH-***BADeducation,FLCL, darkCITY, HEATHERS,someLIKEitHOT,HEDWIG,three....EXTREMES donnie darko,DUNE, SHARKskinMAN&PEACHhipGIRL,publicENEMY,ALIEN, 2046=(theMOSTbeautifulFILMofALLtime) thePROFESSIONAL/EVERYTHINGwith*GARY OLDMAN*in it... and ANYTHING featuring CHRISTIAN BALE'S mouth (i.e my slightly crooked tooth fetish!!!).....


-TELEVISION: ******FIREFLY, farSCAPE, DEXTER......... ..


-BOOKs: ******henry miller=GOD***"..to live life as a COLLECTOR is the pinnacle of artistic persuits, make your LIFE your art, rather than your ART your life.."***otherz i luv: haruki murakami- WIND UP BIRD CHRONICLE* katherine dunn- GEEK*LOVE, david mitchell- CLOUD/ATLAS, GHOSTWRITTEN, and NUMBER 9 DREAM* china mieville- PERDIDO STREET STATION & THE SCAR*richard k.morgan- ALTERED CARBON* thomas pynchon-GRAVITY's RAINBOW * william gibson's NEUROMANCER (of course!!!!!)* mark z. danielewski- HOUSE OF LEAVES ***comix!!!!! HEAVY LIQUID&THB by: paul pope *SLOW JAMZ by:david choe* PLASTIC FORKS by:ted mckeever *POPBOT & AUTOMATIC KAFKA by:ashley wood............... oh..and NOTHING BUT STATIC:by b*aliaLUXA!!!


-HEROs: ***HARRISON BERGERON*** "brian kinney" & oldDIRTYbastard.."jacques costeau could neva' get this low."

My Blog

ooooh theHORRORS!!!!!!!! (in the city ov ANGELz...)

soooooooooooo.......as you, sweet minion, already know i visited los*angeles this past week+ to spend time with my brotha' from anutha'ASIANmutha'... .....Billy.....(loveLOVElove)......the B.I.G.pappa...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 02:27:00 PST

darkMATTER ...sketch*book...(one)...

sooo.......yeah. although i prefer formality more often than not...... i thought id give the opposite a try and let prying eyes into my current sketch book.....(darkMATTER)... all rough, nonEDITED an...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 07:30:00 PST

darkMATTER* sketchBOOK: (chapterTWO)

ive been lazy..........(its TRUE.)been neglecting my blog and such......after recently being reminded of this (thanx  mr. bluecloud!) i thought to post some of my most recent  work from my d...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 04:07:00 PST

MIMETIC: seriesONE.........wetCONFETTI

soooooo...... one of my main focuses right now is my current collaboration with photographer, FEDERICO NESSI (fnessi.com) which takes form as ....................MIMETIC.................................
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Fri, 12 May 2006 01:26:00 PST


so yeah.............................. ..........  been SOOOO busy with MIMETIC tasks, brianKINNEY DVDs and SUCH that ive been neglecting my illustration for a while now ........................wh...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 04:29:00 PST


so to tell the truth........... i have always thought of "collage" as and "ARTform" to be well..... sort of , um.....,like, ah.....FUCKING JOKE...(!!!!).... its so: "teenage girl in her bedroom, with ...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 09:16:00 PST

lookit me, lookit me!!!!!!!!

ran across this image of me performing with ...theZEROtheory... last spring (2004) and thought.......it should be seen..... yep.......toughSAUCE...(deluxe!!!)...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 07:26:00 PST


yikes....... well, hmmmm.....lets see...... i think for convenience sake, im gonna call this a case of FASHIONABLY LATE........come now, EVERYBODY knows that a late arrival is standard MODUS OPPERENDI...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 08:35:00 PST

i don't think yr ready fr this jelly.........

fuck................. im currently mourning the end of my trip to los angeles. (i've only been home for 2 hours......) so much to miss......... the golden gopher (where i bought a bottle of absolut...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 12:51:00 PST


its official...... my son is the coolest bambino on earth...... took him to his first concert tonight, the whiteSTRIPES...... and he totally rawked out!!!!!!! he even took it upon himself, after som...
Posted by b*alia donated her heart to science... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST