-INTERESTs: ****** VISUALcommunication, MANIPULATION of: ideas, images, sounds, time, media, (and occasoinally people..), chainSMOKING, artNITE, things that taste like plastic, static shocks, drinking beer in the shower,(*), slightly crooked teeth, syntax, HoT*MeDiCiNe .......... stingTHEORY ,brian molko's mouth, searching fr the perfect dryFUCK, tokyo, hedi slimane, eustress, people who UNDERSTAND and ADORE the GEMINI "condition", alexander mcqueen, selfPORTRAITS, jeanHARLOW, lobsters(!), sakuras, urbanVINYL, *darkMATTER* krylon under my fingernailz,NARS, vintageSEWINGnotions, learning TO speak japanese, learning NOT TO speak my mind at the most in-oppertune moments (yeah, yeah, im workin' on it!) SLEEPING for EITHER: 8 hours at a time -OR- less than a day and a half (HA ha heh...no, funny, truly...)
-THE PROSPECT OF MEETING: ******ANYONE who could keep up with me would be nice.......... but mostly just other ART/DORKZ... ....oh,and......um.........
I have FIENDS/ friends
shift PRIME
MY michelle
itz like MUSIC to MY ears: **********************************************silverwear slowly sliding against my teeth* spray paint hissssss and rattle* the recording of a glass bottle breaking in reverse from a too/MACHINES track* the el train rushing into loganSQUARE*fake clapping in 80's NEWwave* tokyo subway CHIMES* "it's so EASY..." WEpeopleSPACEwithPHANTOMS* static* "smoke lingers round yr fingers" * skinnyARTboys who grind their teeth while sleeping in my bed *BEEEEEP..."you have NO new messages"* rubix in my livingroom minus an E string* "mama, i love you all the way to jupiter...with GRAVY!!!" *electric bug zappers* the guitar break at the end of PARANOID ANDROID* waking to a storm in the middle of the night *long zippers, zipping all....the....way....up.... **sparks** car crashes* that EVIL noise cats make when they're PISSED**DEVO** FLCL(1) when haruko first attacks the giantROBOT =sleepyHEAD by:thePILLOWS **fireWORKS that make that weird screaming sound** "...and was thinkin' of a day when i'd be too old to throw a ball this HEAVY" *the sound when a microphone drops to the stage* the lovely speaking voice of a certain british MENACE* guitar recordings where you can actually hear fingers SQUEEKING from one cord to the next***a PAUL POPE symphony of 100 whistleing tea kettles, all tuned to C major* helicopter's arrival *whoSAYS=theHORRORS * flashBULBS *NEONlite's drone/hum* *trak#13=BLEACH(downer)* davidBOWIE* the VIOLENT-POP brought by champagne opening* "...violetYRturningVIOLET...violet...!!!"* the chaos of alec empire's BJORK remixes* audio hallucinations of my phone ringing KRAFTWERK songz* meltBANANA with theremins *feedBACK and FUZZ*36chambers *bombination=the buzz of bees* pulling the needle off a record, all violent draggy style, in the middle of a song for dramatic effect** panic manifesting as laughter** "nigga YOU a frankenstein!!!" ****************************************************SHE sez:"....im so glad you CAME over................." HE sez: (smiling)"yeah...OVER your shoulder..."(!)
-FILM: ******peter greenaway!!!=the cook, the thief, his wife,and her lover*drowning by numbers* THEpillowBOOK TITUS,oldboy,...INtheMOODforLOVE, NIGHTwatch,Pi... shallowGRAVE,chungKINGexpress,DOOMgeneration, aCLOCKWORKorange, theSHINING, trainspotting, ferrisBUELLER'sDAYoff,SERENITY, urotsokudoji, BLADERUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(um, like DUH!!!!)***ALL-DAVID-LYNCH-***BADeducation,FLCL, darkCITY, HEATHERS,someLIKEitHOT,HEDWIG,three....EXTREMES donnie darko,DUNE, SHARKskinMAN&PEACHhipGIRL,publicENEMY,ALIEN, 2046=(theMOSTbeautifulFILMofALLtime) thePROFESSIONAL/EVERYTHINGwith*GARY OLDMAN*in it... and ANYTHING featuring CHRISTIAN BALE'S mouth (i.e my slightly crooked tooth fetish!!!).....
-TELEVISION: ******FIREFLY, farSCAPE, DEXTER......... ..
-BOOKs: ******henry miller=GOD***"..to live life as a COLLECTOR is the pinnacle of artistic persuits, make your LIFE your art, rather than your ART your life.."***otherz i luv: haruki murakami- WIND UP BIRD CHRONICLE* katherine dunn- GEEK*LOVE, david mitchell- CLOUD/ATLAS, GHOSTWRITTEN, and NUMBER 9 DREAM* china mieville- PERDIDO STREET STATION & THE SCAR*richard k.morgan- ALTERED CARBON* thomas pynchon-GRAVITY's RAINBOW * william gibson's NEUROMANCER (of course!!!!!)* mark z. danielewski- HOUSE OF LEAVES ***comix!!!!! HEAVY LIQUID&THB by: paul pope *SLOW JAMZ by:david choe* PLASTIC FORKS by:ted mckeever *POPBOT & AUTOMATIC KAFKA by:ashley wood............... oh..and NOTHING BUT STATIC:by b*aliaLUXA!!!
-HEROs: ***HARRISON BERGERON*** "brian kinney" & oldDIRTYbastard.."jacques costeau could neva' get this low."