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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am Haudenosaunee Kanienkehaka and very proud of my culture, even though I am on the road to "rediscovering my culture". I was born and raised here in New York State and my people lived in the Mohawk/Schoharie Valley. I am Wolf Clan. I am the mother of 3 sons and a married to a very wonderful Tlingit man that I actually met in a Native American chatroom. He came to be with me from Alaska and I am so glad that he did. Happiness came along with him. We have been together for 7 years now and married for 1 year fast approaching 2 years. He is the other "side" of me, and he inspires me to be "the best person that I can be". I am so lucky that he has come into my life and enabled me to "live" in a way I had never thought possible. I love many things, especially historical and genealogical research, these are only a few of my "passions". Right now, we are working on a genealogical project that is research the family and lineage of my fiance and I am working on my own family tree, and I have to say it is extremely addictive. I also love doing "crafty" things, I do a lot of beadwork and am always looking for new patterns to bead. I generally do loom work, but am teaching myself a lot of the different stitches so that I can be more "diversified" with my work. We love going to all sorts of Native activities, even though there arent that many where I live. We like to go to concerts and gatherings and other such activities. Going on road trip when time permits.I am here hoping to meet many other people Native or otherwise, and hoping that the Native people that I meet, would want to share their culture with me, sort of like a cultural exchange.
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My Interests

Reading, writing, beadworking, driving, doing historical research, going to gatherings and powwows, concerts, movies, shopping, going on walks and traveling to places that I have never been before. Listening to music, working on my computer, chatting with friends.
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I'd like to meet:

So many people, Native people who are all about helping their people, through film, written word, music and art and who would help people to rediscover the pride and dignity of being Native. Hoping to hear the point of view of others and to discover what can be done to help others Native people in whatever way I might be able too.


I love all sorts of music, sort of ecletic, almost any genre, Native music - Douglas Spotted Eagle, Robert Mirabel, Mary Thunderblood, Pura Fe, folk music, R&B, some Rap, just about any sort of music.


All the Matrix movies, Star War movies, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2, lots of horror movies, Sci-fi movies, All of the Robert Rodriguez movies, Once Upon a Time in Mexico 1 &2, Legend of Zorro, Thunderheart, Smoke Signals, The Doe Boy, Dances with Wolves,ect.


Charmed, Law and Order, CSI, House, Monk, Dead Zone, anything on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, A&E, BBC, UPN, Adult Swim, on CartoonNet, lots of cartoons.


Anything written by Steven King, Dean Koontz, Robin Cook, Nora Roberts, Mary Higgins Clark, all sorts of historical books, Native history, and too many others to mention


My Mother, who always seemed to have the deck stacked against her and yet she still stayed strong, and did the best she could with what she had to work with, no matter what came her way...I hope to honor her and be as strong as she has been.
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My Blog

Prayers Answered

I know I havent written in my blog for a long time, but maybe it was because I just couldnt think of anything that I wanted to write about.  Lots of people use their blogs to rant and rave and to...
Posted by Mickey on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 06:34:00 PST

End of Summer

Well, here we are at the end of summer, and I am not sure of how I feel about that, means that the end of another year is almost upon us, and it means that soon the weather will be cooler, but that is...
Posted by Mickey on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 02:20:00 PST

Driven Almost Crazy with MySpace

Hello to anyone who might be so inclined to check out my blog, lol.  This is my first entry but I will try to make an effort to post as much as I am able too.  After many evenings spent tryi...
Posted by Mickey on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 01:19:00 PST