Camping, mountains, hiking, biking,travel, reading, making video's and understanding what it means to be matter on earth.. .. A Trip to the Georgia GuideStones.. The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates the world in which we live.The Georgia Guidestones have been part of the landscape in Elberton, Georgia for a quarter of a century.. ............
People who are aware of the mind control all around us........
this is a video i made of a Bush & Cheney impeachment & antiwar protest in Albany NY on the west side of the NYS Capital. ..
I made this video after a protest i attended in June 2005 in Philly. We marched with the bio weapons section of the protest to Love Park in downtown Philly and then we gathered with the other two sections ( bio medicine and bio agriculture) in Love Park. We all then Marched to the Philadelphia Convention Center, where members of the bio tech comunity from across the world were meeting.
I dont own a TV not in years But when i do watch other people's tv i like the show Ninja Warrior...This Movie is America Freedom to Fascism. It was in theaters in the Summer of 2006. by Arron Russo ..
If i where to name 3 they would be(1) The Man Who Warned America, (2)The way of the Peaceful warrior, (3)US founding documents
Major General Marine Corps, Smedley Butler