four guys making music from their hearts since 1993... ...well, just read the bio on:
maus is currently not active as a band. meanwhile, members are working on several music projects including: bigital , sometime and frae .
maus albums-
1994 - Allar kenningar heimsins og ögn meira
1995 - Ghostsongs
1997 - Lof mér að falla að þÃnu eyra
1999 - à þessi sekúntubrot sem ég flýt
2003 - Musick
2004 - Tónlyst 1994-2004 - Lystaukar 1993-2004
my favourite excuse
- animation video by ragnar hansson
liquid substance
- "replacing my bones" remix by deLpHi
- stop motion video by Hlynur
over me under me
- video directed by elvar