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About Me

Keeping it real is a pretty hard thing to do if you're an icelandic rapper. Other types of icelandic musicians can always default to the tried and true icelandic indie clichés of elfin, nature loving, blue lagoon frequenting arty type. If you're a rapper, though, and your inspirations are not rocks and moss and waterfalls and stuff, but Biggie and Tupac and other american Ghetto imagery, you're gonna run into problems when you're writing your bio and telling people of your back story. Poetrix does not have this problem.Poetrix (known as Sævar Daniel Kolandavelu to his mom and the tax office), started working on his debut album four years ago, but his struggles with heavy addiction and frequent run-ins with the law occupied more of his time than finishing lyrics and recording tracks. As with many young artists in his situation, the dreams were big and the results, other than the rather impressive criminal record, pretty disappointing. Apart from occasional gigs, in parties, parking lots, small club nights and as a warm up gig at the 50 Cent concert in Reykjavik, nothing much happened.After his ninth visit to the Vogur detox facility, he checked into a halfway house, and there the work started on the album. As the months passed, the size and scope of the album, modest at first, started growing. At first his aim was to use a studio owned by a relative of a friend to cut an E.P. to distribute in a very limited quantity to the local hip-hop community. As time progressed more people got involved, and as noted Icelandic musicians, such as Gaukur Úlfarsson, the bassist from Quarashi, respected icelandic rock guitarrist Smári "Tarfur", ubiquitous keybordist Davíð Þór and singers such as Rósa Birgitta, Einar Ágúst (from pop band Skítamórall) and legendary rock singer Bubbi Morthens. Many of Iceland's most respected Hip Hop producers got involved too, such as Steve Sampling, who recently supplied tracks to DJ Dangermouse, The prolific M.A.T., Ívar Örn, mastermind behind the notorious Dr. Mister & Mister Handsome, and Maxie, from the groundbreaking Icelandic hip hop band Subterranean.The album, set to drop in the fall, is charged with inspired lyrics about a wide range of topics, including political stories from africa, descriptions of the inner workings of the addict, and socially critical thoughts, spiced with his trademark wry punchlines and witty wordplay. The album brings together the confusion and chaos of his addict past and the soul-searching of his recent sober years. The music clearly bears the mark of the talented line-up behind it. The elephantine soundscape of the album ranges from live funk grooves, to melodic soul, to straight up hip hop, with references to rock and 60's reggae.The ambition and expanse of the project has grown enormously from it's humble beginnings. Poetrix has been promising friends that the album will drop "in two months" for two years, but every month a new collaboration comes up, or an amazing addition to the album. The album is finally meeting the perfectionist standards of Sævar. If he doesn't throw it out and make a salsa album instead.

My Interests


Member Since: 04/04/2006
Band Members: Sævar Daníel Kolandavelu, Örlaganornirnar og guðdómlegar tilviljanir
Influences: Raunveruleikinn
Sounds Like: Sannleikurinn í sinni vafasömustu mynd
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Leiðréttur Kreditslisti "Fyrir lengra komna"

vegna mistaka af ýmsu tagi voru ýmsar upplýsingar í Plötuumslagi ekki nógu tæmandi, vitlausar eða ekki til staðar. nöfn sem gleymdust, aðilar rangt titlaðir, ekki tekið fram hver hljóðblandaði o.sv. f...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 14:16:00 GMT

Plötugagnrýni í 24 stundum á ’’Fyrir lengra komna’’

Textarnir kalla fram gæsahúð (Fjórar Stjörnur af fimm mögulegum)Poetrix er enn að móta stíl sinn og því er platanögn leitandi enengu að síður erufrábær lög á milli.Grunnar SteveSampling eruflottir og ...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 05:14:00 GMT

Plötugagnrýni í morgunblaðinu á ’’Fyrir lengra komna’’

Kjarnyrtur og ekta Poetrix - Fyrir lengra komna (fjórar stjörnur af fimm mögulegum) Maður er nefndur Sævar Daníel Kolandavelu. Hann rappar á íslensku undir listamannsnafninu Poetri...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:56:00 GMT

Plötudómur í fréttablaðinu

Tekið til eftir Partýið.   4 stjörnur af 5 Poetrix er listamannsnafn rapparans Sævars Daníels Kolandavelu. Hann hefur verið að skrifa rímur og rappað í nokkur ár, en Fyrir lengra komna ...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 04:23:00 GMT

Plötudómur í Monitor fyrir plötuna ’’fyrir lengra komna’’

Poetrix - Fyrir lengra komna  73%Það er tvennt sem stenduralgerlega uppúr á plötunni,textagerðin og tónlistarlegvinnsla. Poetrix talar umhlutina virkilega frá hjartanueins og hann hefur kynnstþei...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:30:00 GMT