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About Me

I share my life with my beautiful wife and 3 wonderful teenage kids, 2 daughters and 1 son. I enjoy a wide variety of music from Classic Rock to Bluegrass. I love the mountains especially the Canadian Rockies and love snow skiing and snowmobiling. I love cars and racing, Grand Prix and Road Racing, but don't have time to enjoy it much anymore. I love to travel when it's not for work but that seems to be all I do right now. I am afraid for the future of our country when I see what we are letting our government do in the name of security. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety," observed Benjamin Franklin, "deserve neither liberty nor safety."
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My Interests

Politics, Music, Baseball, Travel, Cars
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who thinks George Bush is a menace to society. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jon Stewart, Al Franken, Jim Wallis, Paul McCartney, Sting, Hank Aaron, Ted Kennedy, Eddie Izzard, Janeane Garafalo, The Dixie Chicks, Joe Montana, Ted Turner, Robert Redford, Tom Scholz, Geddy Lee, David Gilmour, John Edwards, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Keith Olbermann, Bill Mahr, Johnny Depp, Joe Biden, George Clooney, Keifer Sutherland, Dale Murphy, Al Gore, Don Henley, Michael Moore, Michael Stipe, Martin Sheen, Bradley Whitford, Ben Affleck, Charlie Sheen, Faith Hill


Boston, U2, The Alan Parsons Project, Vangelis, Vince Gill, The Rolling Stones, Brad Paisley, Faith Hill, Mother's Finest, The Eagles, Rush, Yes, Neil Young, Kansas, Styx, Pink Floyd, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks, Alison Krauss, Jimbo Whaley


Fahrenheit 9/11, The Corporation, Three Days of the Condor, Pirates of the Caribbean, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, V for Vendetta, Bullitt, Gladiator, Gone in 60 Seconds, Anchorman, The Wall


Real Time With Bill Mahr, The Colbert Report, Countdown With Keith Olbermann, 24, Numbers, NCIS, Meet The Press, This Week, Lou Dobbs Tonight, American Dad, Family Guy, My Name Is Earl, Hardball


....and anything else by Al Franken, My Life, God's Politics, The Left Hand of God


My Mom and Dad. John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton

My Blog

Why I Am Now A Conservative Republican ;-)

I lifted this off a friends blog.....very funny if it weren't so true! Why I am now a conservative Republican   Actually this was a long time coming. I have been envious of conservatives for a l...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 05:38:00 PST

Was there any doubt?

Poll: Bush worst president since WWII Originally posted: June 1, 2006 A Quinnipiac Poll released today gives President Bush one more reason to be concerned about his approval numbers: Lots of voters ...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 03:13:00 PST