fresh air, new scenery, hiking, sleeping under stars and anything else that involves escaping traffic and schedules. Beauty, music, love, being a part of life... Tea/coffee/beverages that promotes conversation. The parts of science that verge over into the metaphysical - quantum physics, quantum chemistry, and the philosophy of science. More Latin American writers than not. Travel - it is my alternative to the potentially cheaper addictions of drugs or alcohol (not that I don't enjoy the occasional glass of wine)and thus any discipline spilling into the international- music, film, politics, history, food... Sushi, cuban, mediterranean, nectars of the gods, and anything else that reminds me that life is not confined to these united states. Art - making it or observing it. The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Fixing up my condo. People. Making Trade Fair. Coalition of Immokalee Workers
People that are interesting, appreciative of life. People who love mountains and oceans and traveling between/beyond the two. People interested in chatting for a while- politics, life, ideas for the sake of ideas...
Beethoven, Pharoah's Daughter, Bump, My Morning Jacket, Youssou N'dour, Salif Kieta, Indigo Girls, Coldplay, Devotchka, Bjork, Sarah McLachlan, Arcade Fire, Classic Motown (for dancing), Classic Rock (for singing), Reggae (it's like an elixir for me), and anything that absorbs me.
Hero, Woody Allen films, Zoolander, Anything Gary Oldman has been in (Fifth Element, Immortal Beloved, etc), Indian Jones, Steel Magnolias, Mermaids, Disney Classics, Contact, Napoleon Dynamite, What the Bleep Do We Know?, Bollywood is fun, Lost in Translation, Amelie, Office Space, The Chipmunk Adventure (many childhood hours spent on that one), Songcatcher, An Affair to Remember
The Weather Channel (Storm Stories!), Lost, The Office (from what I've seen of it - which is not nearly enough, yet). Oh yes - and I love the commercial where the guy yells "Big Boy" into his cell phone. Really, though, TV kind of drives me nuts
Non-fiction historical/health/biographical, The Phantom Tollbooth, poetry of Octavio Paz and Rumi, Freya Stark's memoirs, Tom Robbins, and a bunch of others whose titles I am forgetting.
Georgia O'Keefe; Abe Lincoln; Albert Einstein; my grandma; my friends and family; Whizzer, Allie Mae, Puma, and Zorro (the furred and feathered one who humbly share their apartment with me); Bono; Bill Gates and his wife (for their charity, not their computing knowledge); Julius Nyerere; Oxfam (British-based NGO that rallies for worker's rights and globalk justice); anyone else who contributes to the harmony of existence, whether by thanking their cashiers or feeding the starving.