laughing, reading, singing, traveling, spending time outdoors, sailing, puzzles (most recently Sidoku), knitting, cross stich, and a series of various other crafts that I buy a lot of supplies for and that end up boring me quickly. International medicine. Did I mention reading?
People who love what they do or do what they love.
Most everything; can even tolerate Rap and Country if it is done well. I'm currently trying to explore female blues artists. I like to sing Irish art songs, Janis Joplin, spirituals, and most churchy choral music, but haven't done much of that lately
Most recently: Little Miss Sunshine, The Departed Some Past favorites: Goonies, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pride & Prejudice (BBC version), Love Actually, Borne Identitiy, Robin Hood (the disney version), anything with Johnny Depp, almost anything with Leonardo DiCaprio
Must admit I'm a LOST fan. Also like most things on PBS (don't have cable), oh and America's Next Top Model (don't judge!).
Any and All! Books I've currently read part of but not finished: Dublin, Giliad, Wicked, Choosing a Medical Specialty, Basics of Cooking, Oxford Anthology of Irish Short Stories, Creating a New Medicine (on alternative medicine), The Sound and the Fury, and probably five others I'm forgetting.