Minerality profile picture


Let me tell you about my boat!!!

About Me

Hi I am basically an artist, I can't fight against that though I tried, I can't stop to express myself! The most important thing in my life is acting, but I am also trying to make a living out of photography, and I write this lame blog about my life here on myspace that I encourage you to read. I also write an other blog of cinema critic that you can find on: http://www.silverparticules.blogspot.com I just moved from London to Paris, I am a citizen of the world! Après deux ans et demi passés en Grande-Bretagne à Londres, je suis revenue à Paris où j'essaye de mener de front 1 ma réinstallation ( trouver un appat à Paris est le treizième travail d'Hercules) 2 gagner ma vie pour payer les pates 3 démarrer une carrière de photographe 4 continuer une carrière d'actrice Avec tout ça, pas question d'abandonner la langue anglaise alors je poursuis la redaction de mon blog myspace tout en y ajoutant un blog cinéphile et bilingue http://www.silverparticules.blogspot.com Voilà en gros non pas qui je suis mais comment j'agis, et me débat dans ce monde ingrat! I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

Operating a human revolution to open the conscienceness of human beings and using 90% of our brain instead of 10%. I am conducting the experiments on myself!

I'd like to meet:

AT THE MOMENT I AM DELATING ALL FRIENDS REQUESTS WITHOUT OPENING THEM. SAME TING FOR THE COLLECTIVE EMAILS ! YOU'RE WARNED!href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/queenofcups/373343 572/" title="Photo Sharing"


At the moment: Gossip, Bjork, Bat for lashes, aurevoir simone,silver jews, velvet underground, folk implosion, wire, low, orange juice, la maison tellier, Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed....


Opening Night, John Cassavetes, Le dernier Metro, François Truffaut, Darjeeling Limited, Wes Anderson, The science of Sleep, Michel Gondry, Les demoiselles de Rochefort, Peau d'âne, Jacques Demy, Tempest,Paul Mazurski, L'age des possible, Lady Chatterley, Pascale Ferran, The Fury, Brian de Palma...


Veronica Mars, Supernatural, House, Heroes, Point Pleasant,The Lost Room, The Tenth Kingdom, Alias, Buffy, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, In Treatment, XXXHOLIC,Twin Peaks, Angel, Firefly, Genshiken, Serial Experiment Lain, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Weeds,...


Marguerite Duras, Joseph Conrad, Karen Blixen, Marcel Proust, Henry Miller, Jung, and the things for dummies, Bukowsky...


John Cassavetes, The guy who blew the SS department in Berlin,Louise Michele...

My Blog

Accelerated learning

This may not last, but I hope it will... I am overbooked, meaning that I am tired all the time. Not because, I am exhausting myself with a fresh new boyfriend...no, because all my free time is booked ...
Posted by Minerality on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 04:58:00 PST

aie, aie aie!!!!

I remember Jack asking me once, when one of his students was showing off a sports car, if sports cars were really working on girls and I said "yes"! I was also drunk this time! I just got home on a mo...
Posted by Minerality on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 06:22:00 PST

Its summer

Paradoxes are not the rarest thing on earth, and sometimes it can be very warm outside and you can feel very cold, this is what happened when I received a text anouncing my best friend's dad's death. ...
Posted by Minerality on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 06:24:00 PST

Of careers and training

Of course, if you ask, everything went right, I really had some paranoid delusions last week. I started to read one of the author we're publishing, I heard through the grapevine that it was pretty goo...
Posted by Minerality on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 01:35:00 PST

Let’s be optimistic!

My anguish seem to have dropped, and I am starting to think that it was a medical follow up to the migraine. Good, though not energetic I was a 100% here today, focused and efficient, I know what I ca...
Posted by Minerality on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 02:13:00 PST

How many good photos did I destroy?

These days, I am suffering from a depression that I can't explain. I think maybe it's only anguish because I have an interview with my boss tuesday to talk about work. I am torn between my frustration...
Posted by Minerality on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 04:29:00 PST

My favourite songs in videoclips ( or how to discover French music)

A few of my favourite french videoclips, feel free to let me know the one you liked.Katerine Au bar du Louxor Bashung, Osez Josephine Benjamin Biolay , une chaise à tokyo Br...
Posted by Minerality on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 05:33:00 PST

In my friends psyche

I saw Del yesterday, introduced the new camera. She told me that she would spend her weekend in Montreuil.She also told me the tale of her mushroom swallowing, how hilarious the hallucinations were an...
Posted by Minerality on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 11:52:00 PST

Train Ride

Last week-end I crossed France by train, to attend my niece's birthday that we were celebrating at my other sister's place, near Toulouse. It was quite moving to cross so many forests and see, appeari...
Posted by Minerality on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:50:00 PST

OM1 mon amour

V. left a message yesterday evening, I listenned to it, but was sort of too tired  to call back, actually my calling was to read under the sun on the terrace.  The message was "Your camera a...
Posted by Minerality on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:51:00 PST