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Rosetta Pebble


About Me

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Makin' music in the summertime... Sweet music in the summertime...All songs are available on .. or at
What's more important, the words or the music? Rosetta Pebble unravels the riddle. Sweet acoustic ballads flow into power pop; Stradivarius meets Stratocaster; peace meets pulse; summer meets fall. Steve Gulian and Eric Frakes joined up to showcase their musical ideas and carefully wrought lyrics. They both play acoustic guitar, and trade off lead and harmony vocals. The viola playing of James Gross adds a distinctive grace to many of their songs (see video below).
.. CDBABY LINK for ROSETTA PEBBLE: Clear Across Summer --
Songs from their latest CD, Clear Across Summer, can be downloaded from Apple's iTunes or YahooMusic. On CD, Rosetta Pebble's music shines, thanks in part to the creative input and expert production of Indianapolis music legend Tim Brickley. Brickley is a fantastic musician singer/songwriter whose infectious hooks and melodic solos can be heard on a variety of instruments throughout Clear Across Summer. His Indianapolis recording haven, Hit City, is where Rosetta Pebble also recorded their 2002 debut CD.
.. CDBABY LINK for: Stories That The World Once Told --
Stories That The World Once Told, is the junction of two less-traveled roads. The journey continues with Clear Across Summer, released in the fall of 2005. Rosetta Pebble's songs stick to the roof of your heart, with words and music that last long after the last notes fade.
Rosetta Pebble began as a two-man songwriting collective in 1999. The members, Steve Gulian and Eric Frakes, had been searching for a forum for the acoustic-based songs they'd been writing individually on hiatus from other bands. Rosetta Pebble proved to be the ideal project for each, providing them a stage to present their musical ideas and carefully wrought lyrics in an uncluttered manner, showcasing the integrity of the songs themselves.
Rosetta Pebble is actually Steve Gulian and Eric Frakes, two multi-talented musicians from metropolitan Detroit. In performance, Gulian and Frakes play acoustic guitar and sing lead vocals by turns, with the other handling the percussion and background vocals. The one-of-a-kind drum set is a work of art in itself. This collection of hand percussion from far-flung parts of the world is arrayed on iron stands created by several metal sculptors. Although the band is often joined by guest musicians, the core Pebble sound can stand on its own. Both singer/songwriters daylight as elementary school teachers in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
If you'd like to hear the studio version of the song from this video (One More Wave) go to or CDBaby .
The group first formed in Barcelona, Spain during the summer of 1999. Longtime friends from the Detroit area, Gulian and Frakes met up overseas that summer, each with a guitar and a notebook filled with song ideas. Gulian had been traveling westward following a year teaching in Indonesia, and Frakes had been on holiday in Germany. The duo continued throughout Europe that summer, writing songs and performing wherever they could. Upon their return to Detroit, Rosetta Pebble was born.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Eric Frakes and Steve Gulian with occasional appearances by James Gross.

"Under an umbrella back in Germany, it’s my old best buddy and me..."

A word about our "DIGITAL" music availability:

You may have noticed that Rosetta Pebble songs are available through Apple’s iTunes Music Store, YahooMusic, Napster, and several other digital music download sites. This is all thanks to Mr. Derek Sivers, the coolest music exec you’ll ever meet. In addition to helping us sell CDs all over the world (through his site), he’s helped get our music distributed digitally. It’s always tickles us when the monthly stats come out, and we find out that people in Germany, Japan ?????!, and the UK have discovered Rosetta Pebble. Would you guess that our number 1 selling song in iTunes Europe is "Florian"?

Danke, Merci, y Gracias!!!

If each of our "FRIENDS" would purchase just ONE song through iTunes, YahooMusic, or Napster, then we would have enough capital to record a third CD! The songs have all been written, as many of you who’ve been at the latest performances can attest, the only thing keeping us out of the recording studio is the small matter paying for it. This is where you, our friends, come in.

If you do decide to make a purchase, please shoot us an e-mail so that we might thank you properly.

If you already have our CD, and still want to help Rosetta Pebble get that third CD recorded and released, please tell a few of your friends (each having 99¢ in disposable income) about our little band. For more about the "new" songs that we hope to record, please see the "CD3" blog entry. THANKS!

Put some Pebble in your iPod!

Available on .. , Napster, and YahooMusic !

Influences: James Taylor, Glenn Phillips, Pete Townshend, Billy Bragg, Cat Stevens, Roger Clyne, Patty Griffin, Joe Jackson, The Beatles...

ROSETTA PEBBLE: Clear Across Summer

Music that sticks to the roof of your heart, and also gets your toes tapping.

Also Available on .. and YahooMusic !

This is the music video for the song, "THINGS". More Rosetta Pebble info at

This is footage of Steve and Eric performing and "organic version" of their song, "Go!" at The Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore in Munising, MI. "Go!" is a song the duo rarely performs live because on CD- Indianapolis music legend, Tim Brickley, rocks it out on electric guitar. Since Gulian and Frakes stick to acoustic guitars in most "Pebble" performances, "Go!" is often left off of the set list. If you’re a fan of the song, and request it at a performance, this is what you’re likely to hear. For more info, visit

Sounds Like: No one likes to be pigeon holed, but in deference to brevity I'll do it here. Rosetta Pebble is a blend of James Taylor and Bare Naked Ladies with a touch of Counting Crows tossed in. The band's latest CD, Clear Across Summer, is musical story-telling at its finest. Songs such as Another Place's Rain, Summer's Mine, Wobbly on the Wire and Things accentuate Rosetta Pebble's strength of creating thoughtful lyrics and inspired melodies. This is the band's second CD, and perhaps the most impressive thing is that they were able to lay down 20 solid songs. No sophomore jinx here. Beginning with From Now On and culminating with Where Do We Go From Here (feel free to read into the subplot of these titles), they've resisted being derivative; instead striving to do something unique with each cut, and for the most part succeeding. For instance, Knuckle Boy is a song with an instantly catchy tune and impossibly clever lyrics about a double-jointed school boy, the type of kid who bends his thumb back to his wrist. We all knew one in school; we just never thought to sing a song about him. Back in the day Rosetta Pebble's music is the type that would have found its way onto Album Oriented Rock radio. Now sophisticated listeners have to claw, scratch and scrounge to find inventive new music like Clear Across Summer, but it's worth the effort.Reviewer- Craig Brass

Record Label: ironwood/pebbletones
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


something will jump out at youi always tell myselfit always doesand once againthough my doubts were manyit doesnot this oneit's never the first onei continue on down the pagenot that one eithertoo obt...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:06:00 PST

double espresso

double esperesso (oh no)i tried it it againi wanted to enjoy itnurse itsavor itappreciate itlike a european wouldbut it was too strongand too smalltoo bitter and briefan acquired tastewhose initiation...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Sat, 10 May 2008 04:04:00 PST

THANKS for those messages!!!

We'd like to give a huge and heartfelt THANK-YOU to those of you who have sent recent messages about enjoying our music. it's nice to know people give the tunes a spin every so often, and we appreciat...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:43:00 PST

Who you callin' punk, punk?

Who you callin' punk, punk?Which is funnier? The fact we're in their top 10 as a PUNK ROCK group, or that since no one but Steve likes the song we practically NEVER play it live? Yeah, I'm talkin' to...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:52:00 PST

On the long drive to the Falling Rock...

On the road to Munising, Michigan (an 8 hour trek from Detroit) we were inspired by the "Beatles Love" CD to arrange a set list that would really flow. If you haven't heard that CD, we suggest doing ...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:27:00 PST

The (Much Awaited) 3rd CD

We've written many songs since the release of Clear Across Summer, as many of you who've been to the latest performances can attest, and can't wait to make another CD. With summer vacation approachin...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 03:39:00 PST

We love CDBaby!

ROSETTA PEBBLE: Stories That The World Once ToldA gentle gem of singer-songwriter craft. Each earthy track is a world in itself, worth exploring and getting to know. Before long, you're in the know, a...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 04:09:00 PST

Falling Rock

Munising's Falling Rock Cafe and Bookstore is the finest in all of Michigan's "Upper Peninsula". If you're in the area, please check it out. You won't be disappointed (tell them Rosetta Pebble sent ...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 12:01:00 PST

Re-Release of Stories That The World Once Told

So may have noticed a change in all of the songs we had posted. You may have noticed that none of them are on our CLEAR ACROSS SUMMER cd, and wondered what the deal was. With today's re-relea...
Posted by Rosetta Pebble on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:35:00 PST