Friday 26/10/2007
Jeugdhuis Tel18
Waterstraat 16
2180 - Ekeren - Belgium
More info and photos of previous event - http://www.myspace.com/jeugdhuistel18Trevor D.Beydag, the singer-songwriter and producer of 101sonic, has been a member of the veteran New Wave/Synth band Deltavox, which was formed in 1994. After a promising start, unfortunately the band was dispersed, with all three members settling down in different parts of the world.
Trevor, who now lives in Brussels, Belgium, however never lost his passion for music and has carried on producing new songs ever since; and in 2005 adopted the name 101sonic for his musical project, making this a fresh start.
He has now finally released his long awaited 101sonic album "I know you well".
The album is made up of 13 tracks, which cover a range of styles and genres with an emphasis on electronic sounds (electro-pop, electronica, thip-hop). It successfully combines emotionally inspired lyrics and melodies with well structured, carefully thought out arrangements and programming.
The cross-genre quality of this album makes it appealing to a wide range of tastes.
Official web site : www.101sonic.com
Click here for more information...
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5song 5minutes Preview-Mix**
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