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About Me

YOU dont know me AND! I was never here... now watch me turn my face into Edwin Hubble's...its not creepy at all just click on it?..
.. %1

My Interests

I'm over all my interests. I got over them when I realized how shity I was on a skateboard and i had been at it for years. I skated for at least five years and all I could say was "well i'm not that good but I have fun" but then again Natas made a good run at it. his bag mainly consisted of huge ollies. I do love fat chicks with plaid out skin colors though. Girls who play the flute i'm talking the real flute here... well both i guess. Being funny. Laughing. Target shooting but not skeet. I always get along w/ lesbians. Except the man haters, chess, golf, sailboats that arnt mine. wine, being serious, cooking, curiosity, international work/politics/travel, falling in love, la familia. Hot Totties at The Tinkle Barn, Asses are the new tits, brown girls with long hair, white girls with wigs, pain with pleasure, aviators, Anal, lancomeparis, people who get all sides of a story, tall skinny Israeli women with brains and big fat asses, bars on the wrong side of town. Someting like I dont want to be a part of any club that would have me as a member. When I goto church I close my eyes during "priase and worship" and I imagine that everyone is singing praises to ME. Then I have a glass of Herba Lax hot tea and take a big shit on that guys face who hit that slut Paris.

I'd like to meet:

I would rather not say. But I'm gonta fuck somebody tonight. Sence your still reading youll do. Hook me up with your sisters and your mothers. No but for real... let me know. I only ask three things: stay nice, stay true, and stay thin. The rest be details. I cant find a girl that wont get hung up on the second rule. Thats what I get for praying to the devil for my girlfriends, and sluts I love. The details: Wise, Elegant, Reserved/Serious yet Fun Women that can't stop. I have never met a girl that wasnt crazy so I'm making the switch to grown womens. I want to meet women that aren't into dogma. Lets talk. I love pale skinned women with dark hair. Lets talk. I want to meet everyone (but I won't meet all of you in public. Send some pictures) I want to meet the people who know what they want out of life. I like white girle who look like black girls(rare). but Whats even better is em black girls who look like white girls(YEAH). both of em should act like a nice italian girl and fetch me a chi tea w/expresso over ice. OK now Girrls who won't look at me funny when I tell them to sit on my face. How it is that people with needy personalitys are such a pain in the ass to be around? You would think if someone needed attention they would be more plesant to be around. As far as the women that I chat with, they should be smart or something. At least smokin hot. No dumb girls. I'll be the dumb one in this relationship. Have you ever seen two dumb people have kids? of corse you have the bastards are everywere.


My Ipod broke. so I cant tell you because my friends tell me what music to like. i can remember something about Saul Williams Aquaduct. thats about it. drama in music is ok as long as the ones making the drama get shot in the face by 50. To narrow it down I'll list the stuff i own. ArethaFranklin, JohnLeeHooker, Marvelettes, Coltrane. MilesDavis, LandoftheLoops,MosDef,Aqueduct,Police,FatboySlim. Roots,Beasties,Morcheba,VicenteFernandez,TooShort, Common,JohnyCash,DJShadow,J5,EazyE,CarminaBurana. MixMasterMike,DJQuick,Ministry,Nas,JillScott. SmokeyRobinson, DeadMilkMen,LedZep,PublicEnemy,ChemicalBros,BlackSabbath. LouisArmstrong,Bob&DamienMarley,Air,ObieTrice,MuddyWater s, SleepyBrown,Strokes,TalibKweli,Blackalicious,IronMaiden,Myst ical. Q-Bert,DeadKenidys,RadioHead,Mr.Bungle,ODB,Bjork,Busta. TaeMeyulks,Nirvana,NWA,PinkFloyd,SaulWilliams,Tempations, IceT,EltonJohn,TheloniousMonk,BeenieMan,Ludacris. MassiveAttack, BujuBanton,Spice1,Nas.Portishead,MissyElliott,TalibKweli,Tri cky,Eminen, Nas Now lets go over some music that is way overrated. This will make the right people angry. Im no particular order, Fatty Smalls, Puff Daddy, The Vines and or The Hives (I always get them mixed up cause they suck the same), TooPac, Snoop's a bit overrated. I'm starting to see a patern here. It remindes me that 99% of Gangster Rap is more like GAY-ngster Rap cause the dudes that make it OK you get the point, I'm just being mean...but while I'm at it I shouldnt leave out Dr.Dre, White Stripes and The yeah yeah yeahs. PuffDaddy/PeeDityCombs? the guy cant come up with a name thats not gay as fuck? And why would you realize your name sucks and switch to another name thats just as shitty.


I love that one about the war and how romantic war is. oh hollywood is so smart. and gangsters are so smart to. I love that Paris Hilton movie. not the one were she gets slapped. Also anything with lesbian girls(not the butch ones,the fake ones),The Search forAnimal Chin. SuicideKings, Things todoin DenverWhenYourDead was ok. Twin Peaks, GodsMustBeCrazy, TheJerk, Kings ofComedy, This American Life, Strange Brew, Bully. Flirting w/Disaster, Blazing Saddles, DrStrangelove, Hagard. AmericanBeauty, WhatsEatingGilbertGrape, Juice, SunRa. RowanAtkinsonLive, ChelseaGirls, TubGirls sucked, DrunkenMaster. Enter the Dragon, Ronin, Five Fingers of Death, Son of Godzilla, TaxiDriver, Serpico, ReeferMadness, LostBoys. Outsiders, Boys N the Hood. Raise the RedLantern, BlackHawkDown, Dancer inthe Dark, Magnolia, LeSamourai, JackieBrown, Heat, TrainingDay. LesVampire, Gods n Monsters, Good Will Hunting, UsualSuspects. Scarface, GoodFellows, YoungGuns, Lawrence ofArabia. 47Ronin, AmericanMe, Casablanca, DonieDarko. PunchDrunkLove, GodFatherI&II, Birth ofa Nation. Shogun, Fall ofthe RomanEmpire, TheCrusades, Gumo. Midnight in the Garden of Good n Evil, WaitingforGuffman, Samari Fiction, and many more that you allready know of. Harold Hunter the Hunter of Excellence.


This is so fun just focusing on myself. what i like to do and watch, and play with while i watch. Im in Germany what do you think I watch on tv. Boobs. I can't stand soap operas to much drama. I like stuff thats true, history geopolitics and shit like that. I saw a t.v. show i liked once called tour of duty, My friends (my real life friends not my fake myspace friends although some are both. (Im at the library and the guy next to me is picking his nose and rolling them up and flipping them bugers, he must be one of those ones without a brain, now he is putting them on his chair. fuck. should i say something? at least look over at him to remind him hes in public?)and some of my real friends are my fake friends)Ali G, adult swim, headline news, spanish chanel, t.v. without commercials, sapranos, national geographic. (how much bugers can this guy have) dead wood, I love eating mushrooms and watching the fashion channel. but only when the new seasons clothes are comming out and they show the catwalk for like two days. I need to go to Paris in the spring and watch that shit live, I would need front row seats and i would go in there with a bag of mushrooms and just chomp away. any one want to join? perferably someone with a name that can get us front row seats. (holy crap, that dude just stuck one of em burgers in his mouth. holy shit. or he rubbed it on his front teeth i couldnt tell. ok i had to look over there, he is a young good looking black kid with a nice hair cut and ok clothes. its like the special olympics. you would look at this guy when hes not eating buggers and you would think he was smart. you would never know hes a fucking retard.)


Ive read a couple. the best books have lots of glossy photos not many words and should have somthing to do with art. those are the books that make sence to me. but i would also rather look at maps or paintings of maps are better. Reading, it makes me sleepy,Lorax,PoweratPlay. IcebergSlim,LifeofFredrickDouglass,CuriousGeorge.BookofFiveR ings,ArtofPeace-Ueshiba,HowardZinn,EmperorWearsNoClothes,Men ofResect.BombtheSuburbs,Basta!Land&TheZapatistaRebellion ,BreifHistoryofTime. Point ofExistence-Almass,ProvidingExecutiveProtection-Kobetz,Black PanthersSpeak. Year501theConquestContinues,Chompsky,EtiquetteforOutlaws. LiesMyTeacherToldMe,BravoTwoZero-Mcnab,Saul Williams. ThePrince,CaseofMumiaAbuJamal,KillingHope-Blum. BlowBack-Johnson,TibetanBookoftheDead-Evens,MalcomXSpeaks. Salvador-Didion,GuerrillaWarfare-Che,EssentialsofMLA,ViceGui ldtoSexDrugsR&R. AlbertEinsteinInHisWords,SubwayArt,PreRaphaeliteWomen. MilesTheAutobiography,ForWhomtheBellTolls-Hemingway. AnimalFarm-Orwell,TattooHistory,Shambhala,DK Press. again there are so many to name, you tell me some good ones.


i can never get the order of my friends correct so i just put em on random, then i still dont like it. it keeps me up most nights. im getting therapy for it. read my blog, it'll explain nothing.KEEP THE RUBBER SIDE DOWN MAN!

My Blog

at least 1 part of its true

Overall, your responses to the statements in the assessment instrument reveal you to be a People Oriented Achiever - A Team Facilitator.. Your overall ratings reveal you to be an outgoing, achievement...
Posted by YourBoringFriend on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:56:00 PST