I love stuffed animals, chew bones, bread of any kind, long walks, rolling on my back, chasing the cats, going bye bye in the car, ice cream, barking for no reason, running like I'm in a marathon, snuggling under blankets, following my mommy everywhere, and I have a huge fascination with tearing up any kind of paper whether it be kleenex, newspaper, plastic, I love it all. My mommy says our house looks like there's snow every where, isn't she silly?What type of dog r u?
You're a Dachsaund. You're an active little ball of energy and can always get your owner to say, awww!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Other like minded Dachshunds who share my enthusiasm for terrorizing felines! Also, I don't have a boy doggy in my life, so that would be nice too! But most importantly, I'd like to meet some nice guys for my mommy. She is tired of being alone and would like to meet some guys that are just genuinely nice. But, you have to go through me first, as I have the final say so on who she goes out with. You must love me to love her!CLICK HERE TO GET A NEW CONTACT TABLE + THOUSANDS OF OTHER GRAPHICS
Ais forAmorous
Bis forBewitching
Bis forBewildering
Yis forYoung
What Does Your Name Mean?
Well since I cannot turn the radio on myself, I'll have to go with what my mommy likes, her favorite band is U2 and I have to agree. She also listens to The Corrs and Train a lot as well. My favorite song though is "How Much is That Doggy in the Window"? I do love the mommy leaves music on for me when she leaves, usually it's very soft music with water in the background, it's very soothing for my little body.
The Ugly Dachshund....that's the ONLY movie worth watching!!!! Although my mommy watches all these movies with this man named Vince Vaughn. She says he is hot and she thinks he'd make a nice daddy for me!
I like anything with action on the TV, but especially Red Wings Hockey and anytime I hear other doggies on the TV.
Mommy doesn't read to me :(Take the quiz:
Are you a sweet puppy or a bad dog?
You are a cute puppy! You're sweet and kind to everyone. You make people proud of your choices and you are a very good person.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
My mommy