Robert profile picture


and what's up with your posture- it screams i don't love me, why should you!!!! Toni Childs

About Me

Former classical clarinetist, studying to be an opera singer (Spinto Tenor). I'm getting my MM in voice at Cleveland State University. Basically I'm high maintanance-JUST KIDDING!! Anyone that knows me knows I'm not. What most people can't tell about me is that I am 1/4 Japanese (until I smile!). My dad is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Black and my mother is Black. As you can see from the company that I keep, I enjoy hanging out with people of all different races and backgrounds. Feel free to say hello!!!

My Interests

Books on opera, opera and classical music (string quartets, symphonic). I used to like going to the clubs, but it kind of sucks in Cleveland, so I kinda don't like going out anymore, but I still do. Since I work in retail and worked at an art museum, I enjoy shopping and art. I love going to The Cleveland Orchestra. And I don't do too much of anything else except drink at the "bar".

I'd like to meet:

Old and new friends that I may not have seen in 4-ever. Really cool people that aren't passive-aggressive or draining (if you've never met a person like that, count yourself blessed!!). People that are like minded is a plus- ie. -classical musicians or someone that enjoys it and can talk intelligently about it. I also like people that I may have absolutely nothing in common with. Just no ignorant people, as I have no time for it!! Your results:
You are Uhura Uhura 65% Jean-Luc Picard 60% Deanna Troi 60% James T. Kirk (Captain) 55% Chekov 50% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 50% Spock 47% Geordi LaForge 40% Data 39% Will Riker 35% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 25% Mr. Sulu 25% Worf 25% Beverly Crusher 20% Mr. Scott 15% You are a good communicator with a
pleasant soft-spoken voice.
Also a talented singer.
Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Quiz


Classical, Opera, Old Soul, Blues, and music from pornos!


Haven't been to the movies in a long time (I do mean LONG).


Way too many to mention!


Books on opera and classical music, art, homes.


My heroes are my mom and dad and Leontyne Price.