The Planetarium (OUTMACKYOURSELF Philosophy)Being that everything is relative meaning simply put that, when everything is broken down we come to the understanding that all that we see, touch and feel is made up of molecules, atoms and matter. That matter just takes different forms and the reactions to different combinations to matter determines what can coexist. So with that I consider my self part of the whole. From the small electric pulses that stimulate our heart to pump to the constant but unnoticeable rotation of the earth around the sun its all one in the same (relative). Life is defined as the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual. The acquisition and use of this knowledge is called wisdom and the knowledge and wisdom gained from the trial and error of physical and mental experience is truth. So simply what we learn from the sequence of life experiences is truth. Life = Truth. The key is to find the truth in life and simplify it to principles or rules. I view the collection and application of these rules as my philosophy, my planet (Shake9169). And anytime you begin to directly or indirectly question the meaning of . Or try improving on your life you begin to form your philosophy and rules for living. And the stronger your philosophy it becomes easier to draw matter to you. Just as a planet has gravity the degree knowledge, experience or truth that a person attains, and processes into rules the more matter will be drawn towards you.
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