c.hoop profile picture


headlines, are overrated

About Me

I'm wicked random. Invite me over your house, and I'll clean out your fridge. Good thing for my tapeworm. Spelling is not one of my strong suits, neither is common sense. My sense of direction is embarssingly hideous. I've always wanted to be a contestant on The Price is Right. I'd go up there all geared up in my "I Love Bob" shirt and be one of those people who are all, "Oh my God! Bob! I've watched you since you since I was in the 5th grade!!" Then I would play Plinko and win $10,000.

My Interests

A whole plethora of things, with big words obviously being the first of them. After that? Sleeping in. Cuddling. The beach. Going out. Staying in. Fashion. Photography. People watching. My morning coffee. Driving alone on the highway at night with no streetlights. Free samples. HGTV. Getting mail- the old fashioned way. Guys who have big eyebrows. Reading the Sunday comics. Guys who wear hats. Hearing the movie title in a movie. Guys who are crazy tall (No really, Yao Ming would be my ideal height I'd say). Steping on crunchy leaves in the fall. Doodling. Rooms with lots of sunlight. Flowers. Fresh snow. Friendly people. Proper grammar. Tattoos and the people who have them. The one who steals my cognizence.

I'd like to meet:

Colin Farell......'s eyebrows


ACDC, Ben Folds, Coldplay, The Doors, Greenday, GNR, Guster, Imogen Heap, James Blunt, Keane, Kings of Leon, Maroon 5, Muse, Nirvana, Panic! at the disco, The Postal Service, Robert Plant, The Shins, Snoop, The Strokes, Queen, Weezer, Zeppelin


Pirates of the Carribean (arrrrrr). SE7EN. Dogma. Heartbreakers. The Ring. Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2. Goodfellas. Animal House. Anything Kevin Smith-hes a genius. Ocean's Eleven and Twelve. Coneheads. Harlold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Super Troopers. Star Wars, the whole lot of them. Swingers. The Matrix. V for Vendetta. FIGHT CLUB. Garden State.


The OC has turned to crap and that was the only show that I watched religiously. But now that summer's here and I have my trusty Netflix by my side, I've pretty much been on a Scrubs kick.


1984, Harry Potter (thats right), Brave New World, The Giver. Animal Farm (allegory people. Allegory).


"You are not your job. You are not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. You are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."

My Blog

My Life in Pictures...

Love it, because I know I do
Posted by c.hoop on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Superman stands alone. Superman did not become Superman, Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he is Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red S i...
Posted by c.hoop on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST