My son, Jackson
Video Games - PC, console, or portable
Books - mostly sci-fi, but also techno-thrillers, and non-fiction science related
Technology news
Gadgets - Computers, GPS, Cell phones, anything cool
Science - Physics, Astornomy, etc.
Your mom! Ohhh.....
I'm not much of a music person. I wish I was though. People that are seem to enjoy it so much. I dislike much more music than I like.
But, for music that I do like:
Bad Religion, Dave Matthews Band, LCD Soundsystem, and some other stuff.
If people aren't getting killed or getting naked I'm not watching it.
Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Star Trek(yes I'm a geek), Contact, Saving Private Ryan, The Usual Suspects, and other stuff on my Netflix queue.
24, Scrubs, Heroes, Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy (I blame my wife for me getting sucked in to this one), , and Battlestar Galactica.
John C. Wright -
The Golden Age series, The Last Guardian of Everness series
Peter F. Hamilton -
The Reality Dysfunction series, Pandora Star and Judas Unchained,
Charles Stross -
Singularity Sky, Iron Sunrise, The Atrocity Archives,
Allistar Reynolds -
Revelation Space, Redemption Ark, Absolution Gap
Among others.
Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity is Coming
Mark Perakh - Unintelligent Design
Ernst Meyr - What Evolution Is
Hiro Nakamura, Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, Matt Parkman, among others.