^^^^^The Above Videos r My Friend Sam Prankin me LOL NutCase ***WARNING CONTAINS SWEARING LOL***
Hmmm who id like to meet..Well like minded individulas who dont have prejudices..People who can communicate on more then one level is nice..People with Great sense of humours but who can also do serious when it's needed..Cute men and sexy females...Hmmm Nice people who enjoy snicker bars...Crazy people who dont...People who like Rock and people who like cock..Jokez...erm Anyone really anyone you would have 2 be extremely special for me to meet you becase most of my hits on this space come from america and i can just about afford to go to hastings which is 5 mins down the road ya get me lol...so yeah....I LOVE YOU ALL....so yeah message away comment away do ur thing...and ill make sure you get some Luv back...Love Me xMWAHx