In my opinion the band was born when Death in Vegas headlined the dance stage at Leeds festival 2003 (though the band didnt properly form til late 04)when me and Jimmi B were full on inspired to make some intense, creative and above all fun / un classable sounding music.......................................................
At the time me and Luke were in a boring boring rock n roll band (well maybe not that bad, like Spitirualised, The Verve) with a geezer called Emo, at this point Jimi B was doin the right thing and Playing with Keys, Synths, Computers, Reel to Reels as well as having the skills on Guitar and Bass to create some mad sounds and ideas.......................................................
Then the best idea yet came about, Kick Emo out and Get Jimmi B in!! YEAH!! A legend is born........................................................
With me on Drums, Luke on Synths / Keys and Jimmi B bein Jimmi B we were more than impressed by the sounds / tunes coming out.
Originally we had no name and went under the guise of a symbol which was a napolese question mark if ya bothered....................................................
Eventually we gave way to ''Ya cant not av a name'', ''what? like prince'' comments and thought purejuice willl do, i mean ya dont want diluted pop or that fizzy shit do ya??? fizzy pop would be Kaiser Cheifs, Diluted Pop Kasabian, Us - purejuice...................................................
So with some mad gigs in Manchester and some not so mad gigs in Shakey Wakey and Leeds the band is now fully ready to take over the world.......................................................
The single 'TAKE CHARGE / COCO BANGER' released in Jan is selling well at Jumbo Leeds and Piccadilly Manchester and is also available at Crash, Tribe, Soul Alley and HMV Leeds as well as Radar in Huddersfield, go buy it and say you were there at the beginning, maybe you could sell it on Ebay one day for a tidy price.......................................................
The next single will be out around May / June and will not be as 'rough and ready' but still as raw, hopefully it'l have some remixes.
The Delinquent Rob??? Whatever the weather its gonna be good........................................................
GOOD GOOD DOUBLE GOOD, LETS AV SOME MORE OF THAT!!!!body{background-image:url(body{background-image:url( );