We specialize in: D.U.I.'s, being tight, chicks, brewski, skateboarding, Freeweights, Jack Daniel's, scoring mad gash, gang fights/wars, thrashing on our axes, beer, going to jail for alcohol related incidents, scaling 9 foot glass walls and breaking apendages, real estate, getting booted out of bars for leaping tables, passing out in front of tire stores, Frat Brothers, wearing sunglasses at night, alcohol, Fighting smaller kids and cutting them off on the freeway, lifted trucks, broads, backwards red ball caps, vio-lence, pre-marital hetero anal, picking fights, roids, hatchet wound, beer, pulling out, bald is beautiful, naked, Alcohol poisoning, fisticuffs, going to prom with your little sister, getting your step-mom preggo, being buff, hoes, dental plans, drunk, anything un-mormon, anything that's un-gay
If you think that you have what it takes to join T.B., then add, and we'll be the judge of whether or not you can achieve maximum tightness in the Broship of what we know as Tight......this is a privilege...suckass...oh, and hot chicks with titties n shit.
....and anything else that we can get sweaty and fight to in our wife beaters...and then we take them off and ring them out on your face! Break stuff!
that's where we totally make out with chicks and put our hands up their shirts.
books are good for skull bashing
we are heroes. SCORE!!