Hmmm....this could take a while. Performing stand-up, movies (watching, writing, and being in), video games, music (live and other), TV, the computer, and Denver Broncos football.
Will Smith (can the guy do ANYTHING wrong?), Jaclyn Smith, Kevin Smith, Robin Williams, John Elway, , and waaaay too many others to list.....(For now....) I am sure that there are plenty of other "Smiths" on that list too. I would say I want to meet Steven Spielberg, but a part of me is hoping that I am on HIS "to meet" list. (I need me some good employment, buddie!!)
Any and all (with a few exceptions). It is not unlike me to go from country to rap and back to my metal. I am mainly a fan of the 80's hair bands (Scorpions first!), but really have my mood swings.
Too many to mention. Let's just start with a few of the best. Airplane, 40 Year Old Virgin, As Good As It Gets, Anything by Kevin Smith, A Fish Called Wanda, Happy Gilmore, Snatch, There's Something About Mary.
Anything sitcom. Will and Grace, Scrubs, Simpsons, and Arrested Development are the main ones.
I am a fan of media that caters to time for too many books. But if I had to.....I spose we would start with Dick and Jane and move up slowly from there.