Dany - Artworks & Photography profile picture

Dany - Artworks & Photography

† Dany †

About Me

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Digital artist, designer and photographer from Italy. Dany has been working as freelancer for years with magazines, models, bands and adv companies. Right now she's still working as a freelancer, but is also involved in projects like Skyscraper Magazine (music photographer covering Italy), Insight ADV (a publicity agency, she's a photographer and designer), Beatnikpress.com (merch and t-shirts brand, she designs stuff for them) and much more.
Please, you've reached a professional. Don't assume I'll work for you for free because it won't happen. Respect me and I'll respect you back, it's a promise.


Artista digitale, grafico e fotografo Italiana. Dany lavora da anni come freelancer per giornali, modelle, gruppi musicali e agenzie di comunicazione e pubblicità, ma è anche in progetti più "stabili" come Skyscraper Magazine (come fotografo di musica che copre l'Italia), Insight ADV (agenzia pubblicitaria, per la quale lavora come fotografo e grafico), Beatnikpress.com (marca di merchandising e magliette, si occuperà del design di questo materiale per loro) e molto altro.
Per favore, avete cliccato sulla pagina di una professionista. Non partite dal presupposto che lavorerò gratis per voi perchè non succederà. Rispettate me e io rispetterò voi in cambio, ve lo prometto :)

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ATTENTION PLEASE: if you are trying to contact me through Myspace messages and you don't get a reply from me it's because Myspace hasn't fixed an error in my account, no matter how many times I mailed them about this, so I'm not able to send messages. Make sure to send me your e-mail address so I know where I can get back to you. Thanks.

ATTENZIONE: se state cercando di contattarmi con dei messaggi qui su Myspace e non avete ancora ricevuto risposta, è perchè Myspace non ha ancora riparato il mio account, nonostante i miei ripetuti inviti.. a darsi una mossa! Quindi non posso inviare messaggi, se potete inviatemene uno con il vostro indirizzo e-mail così saprò dove rispondervi. Grazie.

I'm available for commissioned art, design and photos, you can reach me at [email protected] if you are interested in what I do. To check out my style and how I work, have a look at my official website, www.danycaputo.com


Sono disponibile per artworks, foto e grafiche personalizzate su commissione , potete contattarmi all'indirizzo [email protected] se siete interessati a quello che faccio. Per dare un'occhio al mio stile e vedere come lavoro, visitate il mio sito ufficiale, www.danycaputo.com

You can also find my prints at Dany's Deviantart Store , feel free to add me there or leave me comments and notes, I generally try to answer as much as I can.

My Interests

Digital art and photography. Music. Guitar. Animals. Travels.

I'd like to meet:

Artists, photographers, bands, musicians, models, creative and open-minded people.


Lacuna Coil, Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, Knack, Dire Straits, Led Zeppelin, Anouk, Aerosmith, Enya, Sinead O'Connor, Linkin Park, Lorena McKennitt, Litfiba, Nine Inch Nails, Korn, Rob Zombie, Ligabue, Novembre, Metallica, Guns'n'roses, U2, REM, Tori Amos, Depeche Mode, Garbage, Linkin Park.


The Resident Evil series, Queen of the Damned, the Underworld series, the Blade series, Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, Aeon Flux, Ultraviolet, The fast and The Furious, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Dead Poets Society, Gladiator, The Blues Brothers, Chopper, Troy.


The Shield, House MD, Lost


Dracula by Bram Stoker, Twilight- Midnight moon by Stephenie Meyers, the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell's books (any of those where she writes of Kay Scarpetta), Laurell K. Hamilton's and... well the list would be too long, believe me.


My grandfather.

My Blog

Sesso e sangue: intervista a Jenni Tapanila aka Suzi9mm

E' online su Deliri d'autore l'intervista a una delle fotografe più controverse (e più copiate) degli ultimi anni: Jenni Tapanila, meglio conosciuta come Suzi 9mm. Il suo inconfondibile stile è uno st...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 12:04:00 PST

First interview online: Aunia Kahn

Hello all!You can read the first interview of Deliri d'Autore (my column on Horror Magazine) here: http://www.horrormagazine.it/rubriche/3006Main protagonist today is Aunia Kahn, famous illustrator, p...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:16:00 PST

Deliri d’autore n. 0

First number of my new column is finally published, yay!! You can read the intro number here: Deliri d'Autore n. 0 Read, vote and comment! ;)   Il primo numero della mia nuova rubrica Deliri d'Au...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:00:00 PST

Call for entries: do you want to be interviewed?

Hello all, I’m writing (at last) to inform you that, after working for a quite long time for Delos Books, my editor gave me the chance to make my very own column on one of the most clicked onlin...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:48:00 PST

New book by Dany Caputo - Nuovo libro di Dany Caputo

CON GLI OCCHI DI FUORI - GUIDA NON UFFICIALE ALLA FAMIGLIA GRIFFIN  A cura di Carmine Treannidi Dany Caputo, Claudia Di Cresce, Giuseppe Cozzolino, Marco Borrone,  Angela Cinicolo(Editore Ca...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:48:00 PST

Casting in London/Luton

Hello all!I just wanted to tell you that I'm accepting submissions for a casting I'm doing with my staff in London. We'll be shooting goth/dark/alt models in London/Luton for a couple of days, probabl...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 06:46:00 PST

Major changes... in my hair

I know, I know. I haven't been posting here for a while, and I didn't even upload any of my new artworks or photos on this profile. Let's blame it on my job, ok? I rarely have a moment of peace where ...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:57:00 PST

Still here... Updates on my life

Ciao a tutti :) I'm sorry if I haven't been posting many blogs, I know people wanted to hear from me and some of them sent me messages and comments to see if I was still their friend and "in the busin...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:47:00 PST

Two new pubblications at once!

Hello all! I just wanted to post a brief message here (I'm overwhelmed with work) to tell you all that now on my website in the Ego/Published & seen section you'll find the links to two new p...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:38:00 PST

Published on Redefine Magazine

Woah new publication on Redefine Magazine! You can see all the scans on my website at the "Published and Seen" section, it's in English this time, so the most part of you will be able to read it :) En...
Posted by Dany - Artworks & Photography on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:50:00 PST