kaRrEn profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I beLieve thAt I am a stRoNg wiLLed aNd amBitious peRsOn.I beLieve in bEing tRUe to mYseLf and living with nO regRets. in 20 yeaRs, i beLieve i haVe cOme fuLL ciRcLe witH ceRtaiN aSpeCts of my Life. bUt theRe aRe mAny ciRcLes to be cOmpLeteD yEt. mY tRUe seLf is cApabLe of bEing chiLd Like bUt gRown Up and RespOnsibLe. wHen neCessaRy, im giVing, caRing and sOmetimEs eVen seLfish. i LUv eveRybOdy regaRdless of coLor or who thEy aRe. ill cRy at the dRop of the hat wHen i heaR mUsic or see sOmeOne in pAin. but i LUv to laUgh, aNd nOthing is moRe speCiaL tHan LaUghiNg sO haRd with yOur heAd thRown baCk aNd teArs dOwn Ur cheeks. iVe encOUnteRed alot of stRuggLes in tHe pAst and sOmEwhat engaged mYseLf intO trOubLe. bUt wHat has occUred hAs taUght mE sOmetHing.tHat my jOurney in Life wiLL nOt aLways be a pLeAsant One.bUt in the End, it wiLL OnLy mAke mE stRongEr....

My Interests

music,music,music!~!!!ooh damn!!i just love music..cant live w/out it..! HaNgiN' oUt With FriEndS.! .SinGing, DanCing liKe CrAzY.., LiFe Goes oN!!LetS Rock!!! LOL

I'd like to meet:



reggae..,RocK.,RnB,,Pop..AlTerNaTiVe,,minsAn FEEliNg ChArLoTTe ChuRch..nyahaha!..,LeAving You..,For ALL Of my LiFe.., AkO Si M-16 .., cHeCk On mE..puSh The BottOn.., Pon De ReplAy.., LasT CHance.., WithoUt You.., SorrY For The STupiD tHinGs.. No oRdiNarY lOvE.., FoReVerMorE..,i LiVe fOr YouR lOvE.., DonT MaTtEr.., SmaCk ThaT.., Too LittLe Too LaTE..,no one else comes close..,, ThIs Is wHy iM Hot.., BeAuTIful GiRls..,


spiderman3., shrek3...,john tucker must die,,,,,wat a gurl wants...FoRRest GumP..,AmeRiCAn PiE.., GiRL Next DooR.., Cast AwAy.., nOt aNotHer TeeN mOviE..,jaCkass.., ScAry Movie..,finDing NEMo.., chiCkEn LitTle..SponGebOb SquArepanTs.., a WalK to RemEmBEr..,


mtv..,eLiMidaTe..,pRoJecT RunWaY..,DaTe my MoM...,ThE 5Th WhEeL..., ThE bEautY aNd The GeEk.., cHeEky aNgEL...,MYx..,sUgAr..,.,RealiTY TV.., buLaGaan.., aMbuSh MaKeOveR.., AmERicAn IdoL..,ExTreme MakEoVer.., aMaZinG rAcE..,Survivor.., AmeriCa'S Next tOp mOdel.., piNoy Pop SuPersTar!!


LiGht His FiRe.... maternal and child health nursing.., fundamentals of nursing..medical surgical by lippincott... hehehe soxal!


my mother.. sya lang at wala ng iba pa.. mwuah!

My Blog

When a Girl Does This

When a girl says, "I'm sorry" it really means she wants you to say sorry to her and reflect on what you did wrong.When a girl says, "You're a jerk and a liar and a player" in a humorous way; she means...
Posted by kaRrEn on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:19:00 PST