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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me rock streaming from Lansing, Michigan, USA rock streaming from Lansing, Michigan, USA first classic rock station in the USA and possibly world. I like most music, although I would prefer to do without rap. My favorite music is classic rock. I am presently living in Pilar, Bataan, Philippines, although I was born, and spent most of my life in Jackson, Michigan, USA. I like the sport of ice hockey, and am presently trying to establish the largest hockey pro shop in the Philippines, and perhaps all of Asia. I am retired from the Michigan Army National Guard after 22 years 7 months. I like to chat with people of different nationalities and backgrounds online. I feel that talking to people of different nationalities and backgouunds enriches the mind. I am married to a Filipina and have 3 grown children.
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My Interests

Right now my interests are oriented toward the business of making a lot of money in the ice skating industry. Also, I enjoy a good chat with a friend.

I'd like to meet:

I am interested in meeting people who just want to chat and have a good time.


I listen to most types of music, although I do not care at all for rap. If I want to hear people talking, I'll go talk to a friend. I prefer classic rock. 99WFMK.COM-LIGHT ROCK streaming from Lansing, Michigan, USA WMMQ-com-CLASSIC ROCK streaming from Lansing, Michigan, USA the first classic rock station in USA and possibly world..


I own many DVD's. My movie interests cover a wide spectrum. I have action, adventure, romance, comedy, and more. Some of my favorites are "Who'll Stop The Rain", starring Nick Nolte, and "Doctor Detroit", an old Dan Akroid movie. There are just to many good movies to mention. If you name it, I probably have something to fit your desire.


I am not a huge fan of television, however I do watch a few shows in the Philippines to help learn the language.


I can sit for hours with a good Stephen King novel. He is one of my favorites.


I guess my heros are the people who risk their lives, and often die, in the international fight against terrorism. My heros include military, police, firemen, and all others who died or risked their lives in the fight against terror, including all the civilians who gave their lives when the World Trade Center (Twin Towers) was destroyed in the worst terror attack in world history.