CHANCE OR CHOICEWhen we meet the right person to love when were at the right place at the right time. That’s chance. When you meet someone you’re attracted to, that’s not a choice. That’s chance. Being caught up in a moment (and there are a lot of couples who get together because of this) is not a choice. That’s also a chance.The difference is what happens afterward. When will you take that infatuation, that crush, that mind-blowing attraction to the next level? That’s when all sanity goes back; you sit down and contemplate whether you want to make this into a concrete relationship or just a fling.If you decide to love a person, even with his faults, that’s not a chance. That’s choice. When you choose to be with a person, no matter what, that’s choice. Even if you know there are many people out there who are more attractive, smarter, and richer than your mate, and yet, you decide to love your mate just the same, that’s choice.Infatuation, crushes, attraction comes to u.