Escaping Skies began as a union of four music loving brothers from the ghettos of Nottingham in November 2003. In a similar way to the power rangers, each of us brought a different skill to the band. Rich, with his mad bass talents, brought funk to the group. Thom, with his wild hair and even wilder eating habits (go veggie!) brought an untamed energy to the group not seen since the likes of Buddy Holly himself. Matt, a whirling fireball of musical talent brought a creative edge and a musical muscle almost equal to his physical ones, and Stephen, the strong silent member, brought noise and laughter to the band's weekly jams, which the band referred to as 'MUSIC CREATION SESSIONS'.
After writing several songs and playing them in a variety of settings (Practice Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4), the band soon realised that despite their huge talent, they were still being denied the power of rock that they were born to wield. With the realisation of this, Matt did the only thing he knew how (besides eating): he called Nathan.
Like an angel sent from God to guide stupid humans to heaven, Nathan graced the as-yet-unnamed band with his fantastical presence. His musical virtuoso lifestyle meant he could make the switch from bass playing punk rocker in his and Matt's now-defunct old band, into guitar-toting badass playing lead for the devil's own rock group (next show is at the church hall, everyone). The circle was complete. The chain was linked. The process was finished. The words were set in stone. The clichés came thick and fast.
Songs came in almost every direction as with Nathan's new found abilities the band flourished. A name was found, gigs were played, and finally, a record was recorded. Hopefully you already own this, and you have probably already witnessed the musical glory that is ESCAPING SKIES.
Where next for the band? Who knows? With an array of musical styles, smouldering good looks and an ass to die for (under posession of Stephen), the future of this promising young british talent is virtually limitless. In the words of band idol Buzz Lightyear: "To infinity, and beyond!".
UPDATE! So it's 2007, where are the handsome chaps of Escaping Skies? Well: Nathan and Matt have left the gun-ridden streets of Nottingham for university, although they're back intermittently. Stephen has progressed to the world of work, and Thom and Rich are also at university, in Nottingham. The band has been pretty inactive during this period, so I guess we can call it a hiatus, but there's still plenty of scope for gigs and new songs when the guys are back together.