women, drum&bass, music in general, DJing, production, good beer, single malt whiskey, a good book, philosophy, religion, more women, more drum&bass, general useless knowledge, etc.
Heads, women, people who really know what's up. Nice people in general. More people. A nice Jewish girl. You know, whatever.
Jungle/Drum&Bass, Metal, Punk, Hip Hop to a certain extent, Jazz, Funk, House to a certain extent, Reggae, Dub, Etc.
Star Wars owns you! Motherfucking Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane, Big Lebowski, Office Space, Clerks and all other Kevin Smith films. Kung Pow, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I dunno, you put it on and I'll try to watch it. Oh I'm also featured in that Rise movie about the NOLA rave scene for like 15 seconds.
Comedy Central, Adult Swim, HBO, not much else really. TV rots your brain. Law & Order is the shit. CSI is pretty good as well; however, it can't be CSI: Miami because David Caruso tries to do Shatner and NO ONE can do Shatner except Shatner. Case closed Mr. Caruso.
Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hunter S. Thompson, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger. Books about graffiti. Recommend me something good.
Heroes? Perhaps my parents just because they're the most awesome people I've ever met in my life. Apart from them, I don't have any "heroes" per se. I do dig stuff that other people have done, and respect them for it, but I think every person has to do their own thing.