Nick, The Not So Starving Artist profile picture

Nick, The Not So Starving Artist

Just because I'm funny doesn't mean my life is!

About Me

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Welcome to the wonderful world of Myspace and, more importantly, my page on said site! My name is Nicholas and I hope you enjoy your visit to the place that's all about ME! Hahaha!
Why don't I take some time out of my busy life to tell you a little bit about myself, since you yourself have taken the time to look at my page. It's the least I can do. I am an actor, writer and part time film maker living in the St. Louis, MO. area. Currently, I'm involved in several writing projects and am a part of an online video show called "The Blog Killers", which is broadcast on Youtube. I'm also preparing to have a roll in the upcoming film "Fallen Skyes", a super hero movie directed by John Dunlap. I play a bad guy!!!
In the past, I've been in several film and stage productions. Some of my film work includes Nick Baxley in "Killers By Nature", directed by Eric Spudic, Weasel in "The Issue", a short directed by Nathan Ohlendorf and Kevin in "Last Week", directed by Jason Contini. "Last Week" is about to be reedited for major release, if any one cares.
I've worked on stage more than I have been in film. Some of my past performances have been playing an Apostle in Godspell, Grandpa in You Can't Take It With You, Oscar Maddison in The Odd Couple and Capt. Queeg in The Cain Mutiny Court Martial, among others.
I've dedicated most of my life to the fine arts and I'm happy with my carrier choice. I don't know any other job that lets you be as creative as you want and still, some times, get a pay check!

My Interests

I have sooo many interests it's not even funny! To sum it all up I'd say: movies, music, comic books, the paranormal, writing, acting, psychology, dream studies, making people laugh and video games. And making independent films. That's a big one.

I'd like to meet:

People who can be themselves and let others be the same way! People who enjoy music, writing, acting, talking about movies, being in movies and other artsy fartsy things!! People who can have a good time no matter where they are!!! People just trying to be people who leave their drama at home, on stage or in front of the camera!!!! And crazies...lots and lots of crazies!!!!!


I like a little bit of everything when it comes to music. I don't like most rap or Latin music. I enjoy most music from the late 60's and all through the 70's, except for disco, a lot of 80's Hair Bands and just some of the music that's come out in the last 15 years! As for my favorite artists and bands...well, the list is long! Just a few choices would be Elvis, the Beetles, the Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, Meatloaf, Elton John, Poison, Guns and Roses, Metallica, Weird Al, Tenacious D, Rob Zombie, Flogging Molly and the musical comedy of Denis Leary! I also enjoy musical sound tracks from some of the more newer and outrageous Broadway musicals such as RENT, Little Shop Of Horrors, the Rocky Horror Show, Avenue Q, the Producers, Evil Dead the Musical, Spamalot and Young Frankenstein, just to name a few!


I would need all the space the internet holds to describe my love for movies!!!!! To save people the eye strain they would get from reading it all I'll just list my favorite genres: Comedy, western, musical, drama, action and HORROR! Some of my favorite movies from those genres include High Fidelity, Empire Records, Howard the Duck, Spaceballs, the X-Men trilogy, the Halloween series, the Nightmare on Elm St. series, any movie with zombies in them (especially the Ramero films), almost every film John Wayne has been in, the original, untouched Star Wars trilogy, Reservoir Dogs, all the Muppet movies and all of the Kevin Smith films. I could go on and on for hours, but I do need to sleep some time. I also like any movie I've been in!!

This is the trailer for the film me and my friends shot a few years ago! The best movie that no one will ever see!!!!!


T.V. is another topic I could talk about for hours. Needless to say I have seen almost everything that has been on television in the last twenty five years at some time or another. Right now I have a small list of shows that I watch. Smallville, 24, Lost, Family Guy, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, the Shield, Dexter, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Jericho, The Daily Show, Boston Legal and Heroes are all a must see!!! Some of my favorite shows that are no longer on the air include Star Trek, the Adventures of Brisco County Jr., Freaks and Geeks and the best one of all...Farscape!!!!!!


Short list because I'm picky about what I read. Stephen King, Laurel K. Hamilton, Jim Butcher, Simon Green, Max Brooks, H. P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, Kevin Smith and Bruce Campbell. There are others, but those are the important ones. And comic books!!!!!


I only have one hero and that is my mom. She did the best she could as a single mother with me and my little sister and one day I hope to be half the person she is. I love you mom!!!!

My Blog

My Life...So Far.

     I can sum up the last twenty eight years of my life into four chapters.  Chapter One: My First 14 Years.  I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO.  I spent most of my...
Posted by Nick, The Not So Starving Artist on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 06:39:00 PST