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squirryl gyrl

Nutshells are for cracking

About Me


My Interests

Reading. Altering/rearranging/growing/discovering/analyzing/construct ing/deconstructing objects and myself. Avoiding conflict and stress. Listening to NPR all day on the radio while I'm delivering auto parts. My children and their endlessly fascinating and freaky brains. Figuring out how to stay positive in a deranged and decaying society. Reading foreign newspapers online. Crocheting headbands, over and over again. Bleaching my hair. Painting my fingernails unnatural colors. Drinking coffee with too much sugar and cream. Practical and impractical shoes. Wool. Costuming. Animals. Skulls. Alterna-everything. Writing. Art.

I'd like to meet:

People who say and do things that interest, amuse or enlighten me, and yet don't expect a whole hell of a lot in return since I'm kind of busy, actually. Which isn't very gracious of me, since my expectations are high, though as these pertain more to who a person IS, as opposed to what they do for me specifically, it's not quite as awful as it sounds. But I'll do my best.


The good kind. Which would disqualify most rap, hip hop and country, naturally.


Semi-creepy, thoughtful ones that involve character development. Funny, stupid ones that make me laugh until I just possibly wet myself. Grand costumed historical ones that make me envy the wardrobe or which enhance my understanding of another place and/or time. Movies made from books I've read so I can worry over all the things they cut. The ones I actually get to see???? Those? Oh, okay, they usually involve penguins or other inane, anthromoporphic animals illustrating the worst in our society because I don't want my kids to be clueless about cultural references and blame me for it.


I do own one. But my son and husband also own a Playstation. Which means I can honestly say I don't watch tv. But I won't lie, I would probably find something to watch on it if I had the chance, since there are moments when I don't mind lying down and being passively entertained.


David Foster Wallace, Mark Danielewski, Scarlett Thomas, Chuck Palahniuk, Robert Pirsig....Terry Pratchett, Robert Rankin...Yukio Mishima...H.P.Lovecraft, Brian Lumley, Anne Rice, E.A.Poe....Kurt Vonnegut, Herman Hesse, Richard Brautigan..D.H. Lawrence, Oscar Wilde...hard to narrow it down, this week vs.last year vs. growing up vs. the rest of my life, I rarely meet a book I don't like, but only a few I can't ever forget.


My Blog

Whatever happened to.....

Girls having some kind of imagination with their hair, huh? Often one to miss current trends because I'm too busy being oblivious, I can't help but notice that 99.9% of the female population under 30 ...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:51:00 PST

Warning: Dream description

I slept very late this morning. The children remained quiet; the door closed to make the most of the precious air-conditioning. Finally, thumping footsteps on the stairs awoke me from my dream. It wa...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:55:00 PST

red state update

Posted by squirryl gyrl on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:32:00 PST

The Lay of the Land

by Richard Ford. It's what's for after dinner. I liked this bit from pg. 95, on the difficulty of making new friends, particularly for those who aren't natural joiners, inquirers or divulgers:"(it) is...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:14:00 PST

i still don't feel like getting up

But this was pretty cool. If it was me in a wheelchair, I'd just be all like, woohoo, now I just read all the time and no one can give me shit about it. crazy wheelchair stunts Add to My P...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:48:00 PST

WoW The internet is for porn

Posted by squirryl gyrl on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 06:21:00 PST

um. wow. I like the orig. kitty cat vid, but.....

Posted by squirryl gyrl on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 04:53:00 PST

There's nothing on

I'm getting the feeling myspace is dying, choking on it's own vomit in a corner, ignored by it's erstwhile friends. Either that, or I'm just being hyper-critical and bored, and can't find anything to ...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 04:42:00 PST

He's a genius, I tell you!

I took Truman with me today to the 75% Sale at the Salvation Army in E.Hartford.....they're going out of business. He's a good sport about this kind of thing...while waiting for me to try on some stuf...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 01:36:00 PST


Oh hell. So, all along, I've been cracking myself up with what I consider to be finely tuned humor....oh, okay, sometimes it's gutter-pun, other times barely concealed sarcastic irony, but, by and la...
Posted by squirryl gyrl on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:02:00 PST