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David Theodore is a product of the Bronx and has been creating stories for over twenty years.
A graduate of Paine College in Augusta Georgia he is looking to complete his masters at John Jay. Along life’s journey he has held down many jobs including teacher, taxi cab driver, cashier, small time dealer, fast food cook, vacuum salesman, construction worker government worker, V.J., counselor, and more. Still there have been good and bad times. For a short time he was homeless and sleeping in the tunnels under New York City. Throughout it all writing remained a passion.
Having the doors of the major publishers repeatedly slammed in his face, he decided to self publish. Ultimately he has found the very people who share in his struggle have become his biggest supporters. Now when he gets on the subways of and streets of NYC he is armed with his books Postal Passions, Unprotected, and Public Access Another book Return To Sender, is scheduled for a Sept. printing.
If you wish to purchase any of his novels search for David Theodore at,, [email protected],, and
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