Dee-Dee aka "YOGI" profile picture

Dee-Dee aka "YOGI"


About Me

Happily Married mother. I am originally from New York City (Brooklyn) I grew up in Albany projects. I have a noticeable career but the other part of my life is doing stand up comedy.I have been performing on & off for the past (7) years. I have been honored to work with and open up for the infamous Fat Doctor. He is definitely my role model in comedy. The Fat Doctor has given many comedians the tools, direction and the drive to become some of the funniest established and up & coming comedians. When I first met the Fat Doctor I was performing at a sketch comedy thingy in maryland probably back in 2000, he told me that I was funny and I kind've believed him.(lol} I started attending the doctors workshops and then he started throwing gigs at me and everybody else, that's the kind of guy The Doctor is (that's my mans and dem) I've done alot but obviously I didn't go at it too hard because I still work at a damn job.... Just because I still work that doesn't mean that I'm not good at what I do, I just have a family damnit, and I'm not a young bird, I got shit to do! I know you'll getting bored at this point but just read the damn topic It say "about me damnit". I'm sorry I wig out from time to time. I love comedy because it is a therapy for myself and alot of people. With all the bull going on in this world damnit u need to laugh or your liable to do something disturbing and retarded. ..
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Cool Slideshows
Laughing Baby

My Interests

Stand up comedy, I love to make people laugh it is good for the soul I also sing a little taste but that just for me!

I'd like to meet:

Our maker when this lifetime here on earth is over. My family members and friends that have passed on. And I'd also like to meet some of my friends again who proclaimed to love me so much......I need a Hug!6069023transparent"Intensec=" des/slideshow_random.swf?


I am old school....I love rap, R&B, Gospel music. I'll listen to any kind of music if it is good




T.V. is now my favorite pasttime...when I was young I didn't pay too much attention to it! lol I love anything dealing with forensic science. FIRST48, THE WIRE, JUSTICE, HOUSE, SORPRANOS, REALITY TV SHOWS BASICALLY THAT'S ALL THAT IS ON THE TUBE NOWADAYS.


Anything that can hold my interest. I can't stand a book that u read and u'll read the same paragraph over and over and over again trying to figure out "what in the hell did I just read." I strongly support our Black Authors though!


FIRST AND FOREMOST - GOD N OUR LORD N SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST Willie Harris- My mom I love you dearly, u r my gurl!Bernadette Richie- mom in law (R.I.P 03/06/06)My love 4 u will never die!

My Blog

My Condolences to Virginia Tech !

Wow, it is so devastating to hear such a horrible act of ramdom violence!  The students at Virginia Tech showed me so much love when I performed at the Hokie house back in 2004.  They had a ...
Posted by Dee-Dee aka "YOGI" on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:29:00 PST


I've come to realize that everybody in your life is really not suppose to be there.  To me a real friend is suppose to be your biggest supporter, their suppose to go through things with you and&n...
Posted by Dee-Dee aka "YOGI" on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 07:32:00 PST

Live life as though it is your last day

What's up people,   Yogi here just to send a brief message, This last year of my life has been sorrowful and turbulent. My best friend of 14 years just passed away unexpectantly on March 6, 2006...
Posted by Dee-Dee aka "YOGI" on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:51:00 PST