www.emergehealing.com, www.meganwoolever.com, www.sausuna.com, home.mindspring.com/~megannickel
i want to create a consortium of spastically electic people so we can take over trump towers and transmit subversive programming through toaster ovens across the US.
4AD, nina simone, kate bush, tori amos, delibes' lakme, anonymous 4, jobim, louis armstong, ravel, prince, deadweight, punk rock orchestra
hedwig, brazil, office space, waking life, baron von munchausen, big lebowski, la blue girl
The Muppet Show, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Case Studies in Forensic Science
unbearable lightness of being, sheltering sky, diamond age, mists of avalon, neuromancer
Annie Sprinkle, Edna St. Vincent Millay, George Sand