The Yoga of Light, a translation of the ancient Hatha Yoga Pradipika, interprets the Sanscrit test definition of Kundalini as:
The latent force of higher potential, said to lie in three and one-half coils, like the snake in the churning of the ocean of milk, sleeping at the lowest center (muladhara chakra) at the foot of the 'tree of life', the spinal column. This serpent power, Kundalini, cannot be described fully, even by one who has succeeded in awakening it. When it awakens, it shoots through the body like an electric shock, and, trembling and amazed, the person realizes what a powerful event has taken place within him. This is only the beginning. The whole body trembles. A door seems to have been pushed open through which a flood of light flows from some unknown world, a light of incomparable radiance. After a long time the trembling body becomes calm, but the flash of light shooting through the head is unforgettable. This flash of light is not really the Kundalini, however it is merely a sign of its awakening. The Kundalini itself does not shoot up, but will later rise slowly, passing through the stations (chakras), each of which creates another new and powerful experience.
Reiki Healing and Attunements
Helping others to activate their divinity and spread light
Becoming One with the Light
Non-Fiction Metaphysical Knowledge
Drum and Bass
Makeup Artistry
As I'm spending less time on here, I will no longer be adding people (for the most part) that I don't know. Previously common interests were enough of a reason, but as I can't spend much time here it's more important to keep in contact with those I know. But send me a message if you think otherwise...I have an open mind and have met some fantastic people on here!
I have some great friends in my life.....but people who don't take themselves seriously are the ones that I like most...
Models who can enhance my portfolio:..
strictly DNB
Contempt (Jean Luc Godard featuring Brigitte Bardot)
A Clockwork Orange
Kill Bill (1 and 2)
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Dream with the Fishes
The Big Lebowski
Lost in Translation
Being John Malkovich
Team America: World Police
Walk the Line
"It is suggested that when a person has an OBE they might not actually travel anywhere. They might merely be altering the always illusory hologram of reality so that they have the expereince of travelling somewhere."
(The Holographic Universe)
Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
Beings In Dreaming by Florinda Donner-Grau
The Sorcerer's Crossing by Taisha Abelar
DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman
All Carlos Castenada Books, but especially:
Magical Passes
The Active Side of Infinity
The Art of Dreaming
The Power of Silence
Be Here Now by Baba Ram Dass
TlHKAL and PIHKAL by Sasha and Anne Shulgin
The Invisible Landscape by Terence and Dennis McKenna
True Hallucinations by Terence McKenna
Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna
Beyond the Brain- Stanislav Grof
The Stormy Search for the Self by Stanislav and Christina Grof
The Serpent Power by Sir Arthur Avalon
Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Topolino-Makeup Games
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 1 and 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Francois Nars Makeup Your Mind
Anyone smart enough to explore their consciousness."In addition to using portrayals, angels also employ a speech that contains concepts that are beyond human understanding. In fact, the main reason they use portrayals is because it is the only way they can make even a pale version of their thoughts and ideas comprehensible to human beings."
(Swedenborg, The Holographic Universe)
"the other" aka the energy body
allies and angels
light beings
Terence McKenna
Carlos Castenada
Taisha Abelar
Florinda Donner-Grau
Stanislav Grof
Sasha and Anne Shulgin
Allen Ginsberg
Total Science
Kevin Aucoin
Francois Nars