Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina profile picture

Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina

for booking send me a PM

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Colorful Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Discography on: ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- The DJ career of the 1972 in Franfurt born allrounder with sicilian parents already began in the mid 80s. With graduations and smaller parties he successfully made it into the interlude of the MusicHall in Frankfurt. Fascinated by the development of club music, he began to devote more time with studio production. As a result of his interest in music and technology his first release followed in 1992. This was made possible by his remarkable victory at the European DeeJay Challenge in Taormina (Italy) in the category of power-mixing (at least 3 decks simultaneously). At the same time he was able to gain experience as a an anchorman and deejay at Radio Deejay Gela Network from 1992 to 1993. The following booking history is also remarkable. Next to various clubs in Italy, Belgium and Austria names like Dorian Gray (Ffm), Lofthouse (Ffm), Airport (Wuerzburg), Tribehouse (Neuss), JoueJoue (Erfurt), Cembrankeller (Linz) and U60311 (Ffm) show up on his list. In 1998 he was invited by Sound of Frankfurt onto the Clubnight-Stage and afterwards had various performances in the hr3 Clubnight, hr-XXL Clubtrax (renamed youFM) and Technotrain. His activities 'til today were very versatile. He used to work as a producer in the Studio Cult (Offenbach) and made a name for himself as organizer for Blue Planet (Ffm) and the the legendary Sunday-After-Hour in The Wall (FfM), in which he played his famous 12 hour marathon sets. In addition he was temporarily the promoter and booker for the Technoclub and Dorian Gray (Frankfurt Airport). His strength also lies in studio production, in which he has invested most of his time. In a Frankfurt music shop he was responsible for studio- and dj-equipment and at the same time from 1998 until the end of 2003 he also was co-producer and sound programmer for Pascal F.E.O.S. at Planet Vision Studios und was also responsible for mastering various notable projects (e.g. Space Night, Aural Float or Psi49Net by Anthony Rother). As Pascal F.E.O.S. and Attilio went separate ways, things went abruptly slower for him. He was then hired by M-Audio as product- and artist relationsmanager and worked there until the beginning of 2005, until he returned to sales business by working for Musik-Service in Aschaffenburg. There he is head of Recording, Studio & DJ Dept. Back to music The list of his previous releases is long and impressively demonstrates his skills as an artist and remixer. On the PlanetVision Compilation..1, he persuasively proved his driving and technically extreme accurate mixtechnique on three decks that he had previously showed off at Pascal F.E.O.S.s Self Reflection LP-Tour and the 5Years PV-Records Tour. He himself does not want to define his style. He says: "Let people find there own terminology, because as long as there talking about you, youre interesting. If they stopped doing so, you should start to worry." So the likable and very busy tone fanatic, after coping with various health and personal issues, has promised to devote more time to djing. More of his own productions will follow and will prove his versatility as a dj and producer. When answering to the question as to what his most important success is, he answered humbly: Everything that happened in my life (good and bad) was important and had a meaning, even if its not noticeable. Recognizing that is my biggest success!(interview Xtoph M.Kamer for szenemag, translated by Robert Gandy) ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- German Version: Die Dj-Karriere des 1972 in Frankfurt geborenen Allrounders mit sizilianischen Vorfahren, begann schon Mitte der 80er Jahre. Mit Abi-Feiern und kleineren Partys angefangen, gelang er 1989 bis in das Warm-Up der MusicHall in Frankfurt. Damals fasziniert von der Entwicklung der Clubmusik begann er sich parallel dazu vermehrt auch der Studiotechnik zu widmen. Als Resultat seines Interesses für Musik und Technik folgte 1992 seine erste Veröffentlichung. Ermöglicht wurde dies durch den bemerkenswerten Siegertitel bei der European DeeJay Challenge in Taormina (Italien) in der Kategorie Power-Mixing (d.h. mindestens vier Decks synchron). Nebenbei konnte er von 1992 bis 1993 besondere Erfahrungen als Moderator und Deejay bei Radio Deejay Network sammeln. Die anschließende Bookinghistorie ist beachtlich. Neben verschiedenen Clubs in Italien, Belgien und Österreich tauchen so Namen wie Dorian Gray (Ffm), Lofthouse (Ffm), Airport (Würzburg), Tribehouse (Neuss), JoueJoue (Erfurt) und U60311(Ffm) auf. Er gastierte 1998 bei Sound of Frankfurt auf der Clubnight-Bühne und hatte danach diverse Auftritte in der hr3 Clubnight, bei hr-XXL (heute youFM) Clubtrax und dem Technotrain. Seine Aktivitäten bis heute sind äußerst vielseitig. So arbeitete er u.a. als Produzent im Studio Cult (Offenbach) und machte sich als Veranstalter im Blue Planet (Ffm) und der legendären Sonntags-After-Hour in The Wall (Ffm), wo er auch seine unverwechselbaren 12Std. Marathon-Sets spielte, einen Namen. Zudem war er zeitweilig als Promoter und Booker für den Technoclub und das Dorian Gray tätig. Seine besondere Stärke liegt aber in der Studioarbeit, der er sich in den letzten Jahren intensiver gewidmet hat. So war er in einem Frankfurter Musikgeschäft Verantwortlich für Studio- und Dj-Equipment, gleichzeitig war er von 1998 bis ende 2003 auch Co-Produzent und Soundprogrammer von Pascal F.E.O.S. in den Planet Vision Studios und war dann auch noch für das Mastering für viele namhafte Projekte und Labels verantwortlich (u.a. Space Night, Aural Float oder Psi49Net von Anthony Rother). Als sich dann die Wege von Pascal F.E.O.S. und Attilio sich trennten, wurde es abrupt still um ihn. Er ging in eine andere Richtung. Er wurde von der Firma M-Audio als Product-und Artist Relations-Manager angestellt, arbeitete dort bis Anfang 2005, bis er dann letztendlich wieder ins Sales-Business zurückkehrte und zwar bei Musik-Service in Aschaffenburg. Dort ist er bis dato Head of Recording, Studio & DJ Dept. in Personalunion. Aber nun zurück zur Musik Die Liste seiner bisherigen Veröffentlichungen ist lang und zeigt eindrucksvoll seine Fähigkeiten als Artist und Remixer. Auf der PlanetVision Compilation ..1 bewies er überzeugend seine enorm treibende und technisch extrem akkurate Mixtechnik auf drei Decks, die er als Support Dj auf der Self Reflection LP-Tour von Pascal FEOS und auf der 5Years PV-Records Tour eindrucksvoll unter Beweis stellte. Er selbst möchte seinen Style überhaupt nicht definieren, er möchte sich nicht in eine Schublade stecken lassen. Er selber sagt :Lasst die Leute selbst irgendwelche Terminologien für jemanden oder etwas erfinden, denn so lange sie über jemanden reden oder sich gedanken machen, ist man auch interessant. Würden sie es nicht mehr tun, müsste man anfangen sich Sorgen zu machen. So hat sich der sympathische und viel beschäftigte Tontüftler, nach einigen schweren gesundheitlichen und privaten Rückschlägen, vorgenommen, in Zukunft sich auch wieder vermehrt dem Djing zu widmen. Neue eigene Produktionen sollen ebenfalls folgen und somit seine Vielseitigkeit als DJ und Produzent unter Beweis stellen. Auf die Frage was für ihn der wichtigste Erfolg sei, antwortete er in Bescheidenheit: Alles was in meinem Leben passiert und geschehen ist (gutes und weniger gutes) war wichtig und hatte bestimmt seinen Sinn, auch wenn man es nicht sofort erkennt. Diese Erkenntnis ist mein größter Erfolg!


Atty Mezcal:

Releases: Re-Construction Ep (12") SXP Records 1997

Tales About Pegas (Incl. T2 Remix) (12") Silvereye Production Frankfurt 1998

U Can Call Me Poison (12") Mindworx Records 1998

White Flavoured Tunes- Movin' (12") Movin' 3 Lanka 1999

Atik (12") Planet Vision 2000

Limpido (Keep it comin') (12") 32hard (a division of 32bit records) 2006

Future System EP (12") 32hard (a division of 32bit records) 2007

Remixes: Funky Musique (Rmx) (12") Funky Musique (Atty Mezcal Remix) Silvereye Production Frankfurt 1997

Der Verfall (12") Der Verfall (Mezcal Therapie) Maad Records 1998

Der Verfall (CD, Maxi) Der Verfall (Mezcal Therapie) Maad Records 1998

Funky Musique (12") Funky Musique (Atty Mezcal Remix) Dance Pool 1998

The Wave Remixes (12") The Wave (Atty Mezcal & DJ Björn Remix) Tetsuo 1998

Emotional Thing (12") Emotional Thing (Atty Mezcal Remix) Mindworx Records 1999

I Can Feel That (Remixes) (12") I Can Feel That (Atty Mezcal Remix) PV 1999

Dooms Night (Revisited) (12") Dooms Night (Pascal F.... Edel Records (Germany) 2000

You Were There (12") You Were There (Atty Mezcal Remix) Zeitgeist 2000

Fukai Remixed (CD) Bossalectrica ( Atty Mezcal Remix)Sabrina Setlur (CD) LAUTA ( Atty Mezcal Remix) 3p 2007


Lost Genesis (12") 3 Lanka 1996

Don't Like No Shaved Pussy Girls (12") Don't Like No Shaved Pussy girls) Logic Records 1998

Co-production: Forward Thinking (12") Forward Thinking (F.E.O.S Treatment) Experience 2000

One Night In NYC (CD, Maxi) One Night In NYC (F.E.O.S Treatment) Superstar Recordings 2000

Monkey Lover (Remixes) (12") Monkey Lover (F.E.O.S Treatment) Zeitgeist 2001

DJ Mixes: Planet Vision Compilation Vol. 1 (CD) Planet Vision 2000

Appears On:

From The Essence Of Minimalistic Sound (CD, Enh, Album) Reactivate The Unexpect PV 1999

Time To Burn (CD, Maxi) Time To Burn (F.E.O.S Treatment) Captivating Sounds 2000

Time To Burn (CD, Maxi) Time To Burn (F.E.O.S Treatment) WEA International, Inc.

2000 Time To Burn (12") Time To Burn (F.E.O.S Treatment) Insolent Tracks 2000

You Were There (12") You Were There (Club Mix) Zeitgeist 2000

You Were There (2x12") You Were There (Club Mix) Zeitgeist 2000

You Were There (12") You Were There (Extended) Zeitgeist 2000

A Modern World Of Today (2xCD) You Were There Zeitgeist 2001

A Modern World Of Today (CD) You Were There Zeitgeist 2001

Freefloat (CD, Album) Elektrolux 2001 Ira (2x12") Ira (F.E.O.S. Treatment) Zahnriemen 2001

Space Night presents Perry Rhodan 40th Anniversary (2xCD) Warner Special Marketing GmbH 2001

You Were There - CD One (CD, Maxi) You Were There Zeitgeist 2001

You Were There - CD Two (CD, Maxi) You Were There Zeitgeist 2001

Hacker (CD) Psi49net 2002

Reformatted (2xLP) Planet Vision 2002

Take Me Away (Into The Night) (CD, Maxi) Take Me Away Nice And Firm 2002

Tracks Appear On:

Rave Mission Vol. 8 (2xCD) Lost Genesis Sub Terranean 1996

MDM 11 - Trance (CD) Lost Genesis Energy StarR Records 1997

hr3 Clubnight Volume 2 Mixed By DJ Talla 2XLC (2xCD) Tales About Pegas (Sunday morning in the Wall Mix) Epidrome 1998

Trancemaster 20 (3xCD) Tales About Pegas (T2 ...

Vision Soundcarriers 1999

Planet Vision Compilation Vol. 1 (CD) Attymatic, Semistatik Planet Vision 2000

Michael Anthony - Aesthetic Theories (CD) Attymatik Terraform Records 2001

Attilio Messina:


Frankfurt Force Of Mind (12") Land Of Oz 1994

Backdraft- Lost Genesis (12") 3 Lanka 1996

Backdraft- Lost Genesis (CD, Maxi) 3 Lanka 1996

Spy vs. Spy - Mental Disorder (12") Influence Recordings 1996

Backdraft- Let It Go (12") 3 Lanka 1998

Mirah- Happy Vibes (12") Yaga Records 1997

Mirah- Dirty Games (12") Silver Eye 1997

Mirah- Dirty Games (12") Cash Records 1997

Atex - Senseless Soul (12") Nerve Records GmbH 1998

Scuba 1- Tiefenrausch (12") Planet Vision 1999

Cascade (12") PV 2001

PV Lab. Com. 3.2 (12") PV 2001

Examples (12") PV 2003

Remixes: Dirty Neonlights (12") Dirty Neonlights (Attilio Messina's Restructure) PV 2003

Appears On:

Reformatted (2xLP) Sythesis Planet Vision 2002

Aural Float Presents Space Night Vol. IX (2xCD) Warner Strategic Marketing GmbH (WSM) , Elektrolux 2003

Avalon (CD) Elektrolux 2003

Self Reflexion (2xLP) A Split Second, Mantronix PV 2003

Self Reflexion (CD, Album) A Split Second, Base N... PV 2003

Self Reflexion (The Missing Tracks) (12") Base Network PV 2003

Tracks Appear On:

Evo Sonic - Evolution Of Sound Part One (2xCD) Dirty Games Evosonic 1997

[After Hour] - The Dorian Gray Compilation (2xCD) Dirty Games Intergroove DE 1997

PV LAB.COM. Vol. 3 - Five Years of PV-Records (2xCD) Cascade, Attytude PV 2001 Steve Stoll At The Wheels Of Steel (CD) Cascade Galvanic 2001

My Interests


Member Since: 7/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Me, myself and I
Influences: Kraftwerk, Klaus Schulze, Boris Blank, Carlos Peron, Martin Gore, Trevor Horn, Chicago House, Detroit Techno
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Formerly on Planet Vision, PV and 32bitrecords..
Type of Label: None

My Blog

nu Set of the Cucina Elettronica in June

Line Up (chronological)GaborThorsten Gräber aka FunkproviderAtty Mezcal ia/audio/991.mp3
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:53:00 PST

fresh live set of the cucina elettronica in May 2008 io/984.mp3 /media/audio/986.mp3 //
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:55:00 PST

Sieh dir mal dieses Event an: 20 Jahre Peter Latino Jubiläum

Hosted By: PETER LATINO When: 31 Mai 2008, 23:00Where: U 60311 FRANKFURTRossmarkt60311 Frankfurt, Hessen|335 DeutschlandDescription:PETER LATINO Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Tue, 27 May 2008 03:04:00 PST

DJ-Set Cucina Elettronica @ Club Goya io/972.mp3 /media/audio/974.mp3
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Tue, 13 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

DJ-Set @ Club Goya Cucina Elettronica http://goout.t...
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:12:00 PST

My Set played @ Club ElectroOsho in Göttingen
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 05:19:00 PST

Live set of the recent Cucina Elettronica...Jan 12th 2008

On the Wheels of Steel.Dominik B.Daniel SoaveAtty Mezcal
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST

Latest Mix Set Online

Here you got the Latest Set from the Cucina Elettronica, mixed by:Chris JacksonAtty Mezcal2FriendsOn4Decks (aka Peter Latino & Jeff O.)Part1Part2Part3Part4Part5Enjoy!!!...
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 11:18:00 PST

5 1/2 Hours Set from Cucina Elettronica in November

Here you're going to get the latest Set from Cucina Elettronica.The Timetable wasNeorythm (on cd1 and 2)Peter Latino (on cd 2 and 3)Atty Mezcal (on cd 3 and 4)It was awesome...
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 01:51:00 PST

September 2007 Cucina Sets

The links to the sets (right click, save...)
Posted by Atty Mezcal aka Attilio Messina on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 07:26:00 PST