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Those who seek to rewrite history, do so at their peril

About Me

Hoooooray! I have been voted "Person of the Year 2006" by "Time" Magazine for my blog , my website , my MySpace, Tagworld and Facebook Profiles and for my editorship of Wikipedia . So has my hubby and everyone else who has embraced "la Nouvelle Technologie". What a wonderful world we do live in!!!
"Persecution makes one stronger,look at the case of the Jewish people"
"Seeking Justice is far more noble than seeking Revenge!"
"Inspite of everything, Love still makes my world go round"
"It's great to receive, but even greater to give"
"A Poet is seldom recognised in his own country, especially one who has been gang (group)- stalked (google this)and black-listed for 25 years ."

Salut mes amis francophones!
Historienne de formation, ex-fonctionnaire, auteur, chroniqueur et journaliste,femme fatale, cuisiniere , chauffeur,jardiniere, femme, mère, grande-mère, tante et grande-tante. Ces differents roles m'ont conduite de Kuala Lumpur a Singapour, puis a Karachi et enfin dans les environs de Paris, ou nous vivons, ma famille et moi, depuis 24 ans. Dans l'introduction de mon livre "Singapore Accent" ,j'ecrivais "l'avocat du diable court le risque d'etre pris pour le diable lui-meme". C'est cette meme volonte de veracite qu'est dedie ce site ; renoncer a se poser des questions, c'est renoncer a l'existence.
Meera & Steve

p'tit repas entre amis!
Vermont Retreat painting by Chandran
in arizona
the trees grew leaves in crazy patterns
and in the snow was inviolable happiness.
in lafeyette park
when the young sun closed your eyes
you were winefilled, smiled and were beautiful.
in kirrimuir, in scotland
on someone else's doorstep, again in snow
you have sat and waited for love
to grow into an unified being, not doubting,
rehearsing the happy days already lived
in other places, for the final affirmation
and it did not come.
so now in this fenced in balcony
you sit with these year old slides
letting the japanese viewer light up eyes.
with no resentment, you can cry
and I can bear to feel your past happiness
melt into your anguish tasting your tears
slowly mixing their salt into snow.
while your voice, now strong, now fading
moves a wind in some high mountain
whispering, questioning, sad but not sorrowful.
and even if I want to, I cannot touch you
or comfort you. I am external to your past.
(From After the Hard Hours This Rain by Chandran Nair)
About me:
"Every dog has its day!"

Born in the Chinese Year of the Dog, I am happily married and a mother of 3 girls. I have a house in Paris, France, and a condo in Singapore; a daughter working in Cardiff, Wales, another in Philadelphia, USA, and the youngest (Chandrika) studying microbiology in the UK. All three topped their school (EAJBM) in the International Baccaleurate exams and the two eldest (both Welcome Trust Scholars) have PH.Ds (doctorates) from Oxford (neuro-science) and Edinburgh (Immunology), respectively. The eldest (Radha) is a lauréate of the prestigious French Concours Général (founded in 1747 and counting, among others, Lavoisier, Robespierre (aaargh!), Camille Desmoulins, Victor Hugo, Baudelaire, Louis Pasteur,Jean Jaurés, Georges Pompidou among its members) and the second (Meera) holds a first class honours degree (microbiology) from Imperial College of London.I graduated from Greenfield High School, Greenfield, Wisconsin,USA in 1965, the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, in 1969, and La Sorbonne University, Paris, France in 1987. I was an AFS (American Field Service) exchange student from Malaysia to the US from 1964 to 1965. I have been a senior civil servant of Singapore, author , columnist, journalist and wife of United Nations (UNESCO) diplomat, first in Karachi then in Paris. My husband, Chandran Nair, is also an established poet and writer. He retired recently as a UN civil servant & a Mediator (Ombudsman) of Unesco in Paris. Check out my website and my husband's website.
But more importantly,
A snob, a liar, a heartless capitalist, an uncaring parent, a selfish wife, an ungrateful friend, a miser, a spendthrift, a boor, a gossip, a hypocrite, a lily-livered fence sitter, a pushover, a sucker, a spy, a bully, a racist, a bigot, an energy guzzler, a sycophant, a back-stabber, a neo-con, a religious fanatic, a Bush supporter, a gang (group) stalker. . .
Meet my best friend in Philly, Mattie .
(The following poem will be used by the University of Cambridge International Examinations for their examination papers)
The seventy six years beneath his eyes
burst like rain, flood my earth with desolation;
his seventy six years have compromised my eyes
into a hardness that grows on me,
the imprint of his frown I wear
without his laughter.
grandfather walks the bunds of seasons,
ploughing, sowing and harvesting years.
In drought stricken months
he wears his old age as lightly as his beard,
his smile transcends.
to be born from unlucky seeds,
a friend once wrote, is tragedy;
the curse flows unmuted, immutable--
only the hot stares of the gods persuade the proud.
gods bothered him,
but temples missed his sacrifice.
he found truth, relief, away from divinity,
spacing out years in padi fields,
unfolding particular nuances, lack of attainment.
like the padi stalk, once green, easily bent,
he grew with age, aged to ripened toughness
to resist anger, misfortunes of stricken years
with dignity, unpersuaded.
(From Once The Horsemen by Chandran Nair)
Grandma(Poh Poh "I knows it") & Baby Menna Bhargavi

My Interests

website design (check out my other page ),travelling, cinema, poetry, art, cooking, gardening, politics, editing for Wikipedia , poking fun at people and at myself..... Welcome to my blog

I'd like to meet:

Like-minded, caring, honest, fun-loving people; Other victims of gang (group)-stalking (google this) . . .



Sacre Coeur, Paris Painting by Chandran Nair

Xmas in Cardiff and New Year 2008 in Paris(below)

Portrait & Model

Latest Pics from Singapore & KL

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Valentine's Day 2008


Our beloved cat, Chuya


all types of good music, and those I can upload on my I pod shuffle for jogging.

WHAT'S NEW? Below are the pics of our BBQ for Singapore students studying in France:


My favourite movie of all time:
(one which has special significance for my family, victim of "gang (group)- stalking"-google this- for 25 years) is Lars von Trier's excellent "Dogville USA"(2003) with Nicole Kidman. It's a psychological drama about how "ordinary" folks can turn cruel persecutors of those they "think" are defenceless outsiders and how in the end, the tables are turned on these folks in a terrifying but justified manner.
Recent movies I enjoyed:
Brokeback Mountain (though its more about lust than love); Good Nite and Good Luck; Munich; Constant Gardener;Truman Capote; Memoires of a Geisha (enjoyed the book more); 16 Blocks (an ageing Bruce Willis but still sexy); Inside Man(ditto for Denzel Washington); Firewall;V for Vendetta(a "must see");The Da Vinci Code, enjoyed it more than the book because did not have to put up with Dan Brown's lousy prose. Contrary to what they said in Cannes, Tom Hanks and the French Tatou woman acted very well and Jean Reno was a treat. Definitely a "must see"! Don't let the right-wing media put you off (as with V for Vendetta);Family Secrets (Mr Bean was hilarious); Volver (Pedro Almodover at his best?); The Road to Guantanamo (not "enjoyable" as such, but thought-provoking, a must for every American); American Dreamz, the funniest movie I have seen for a long time. Great satire; Pirates of the Caribbean II: enjoyed the first Pirates movie more; Let me lead: a must for ballroom dancers like my second daughter; Superman,The Return; Lucky Number Slevin, one of the most funny action films I have seen with Bruce Willis, Ben Kingsley, Morgan Freeman, Lucy Liu and a delicious young actor, Josh Hartnett; Lake House with Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock (both have visibly aged); The Lost City, (Havana during the Revolution)directed and acted by Andy Garcia; Lady in the Water, very very bizarre; Sentinel, a must if you like Jack Bauer and 24; The Devil Wears Prada; World Trade Centre, Olivier Stone has managed to go beyond politics to tell the moving story of the two NYC policemen who survived; Click; The Queen Fabulous! Helen Mirren deserves an oscar!; An Inconvienient Truth (A must see for those who don't believe like my youngest daughter);Scoop by Woody Allen staring Scarlet Johannsen, very funny;All the King's Men with Sean Penn and Jude Law;Last Kiss; The Black Dahlia, with Scarlet Johanssen and that cute young "what'shisname" actor;Casino Royale Daniel Craig's Bond starts badly but gets under your skin after a while: not bad; Babel;The Departed with Matt Damon & Leonardo di Capri; Deja Vu with Denzel Washington; Eragon with Jeremy Irons; Hollywoodland; Holiday with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet & Jude Law; Mel Gibson's Acapolypto; The Last King of Scotland; Blood Diamond; letters from Iwo Jima, Notes on a Scandal; the Secret of the Golden Chrysanthemum; Music and Lyrics; Breaking and Entering, I dig Jude Law;300;Sunshine, Hey am I the only one to notice that there were no blacks among the Icarus II crew?;Perfect Stranger, Halle Berry at her seductive best!;Goodbye Bafana, based on life of Mandela, worth seeing;Next,with Nicolas Cage; Love and Other Disasters;Fracture with Anthony Hopkins; Zodiac; Pirates of the Caribbean: At the World;88 Minutes; Death Proof,Great Movie by Quentin T; The Hoax with Richard Gere;Hot Fuzz; The Good Shepherd; Rogue with Jet Li;The Bourne Ultimatum, not a boring moment!; The Last Legion Bollywood queen playing,Mira, Keralite warrior besides Colin Firth, Drole!;A Mighty Heart;28 Months Later;Michael Clayton;Beowulf, exciting and entertaining;Lions for Lambs a "must see"; We Own the Night by James Gray; The Golden Compass, splendid entertainment!; I am Legend; Hitman; Gone Baby Gone; Atonement; The Kingdom; Martian Child; Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium; Rambo 4; Taken (enjoyable);There will be Blood; Vantage Point; Oxford Murders; The Other Boleyn Girl; Mongol. . .
Recent movies I didn't enjoy that much:
Basic Instinct II, repeats don't play very well especially when there are wrinkles on Sharon Stone's face this time; MI 111, Tom Cruise doesn't destroy the WMD (potentially allowing it to be manipulated again for political ends!) and after he steals the WMD from the Chinese, he can still stroll romantically with his wife on the streets of Shanghai without being arrested! How crappy an ending can you get? Is JJ Abrams insulting our intelligence? Ok ok everyone tells me I should just see the movie for its action shots, but does it take that much for the makers to exercise a bit more of their grey matter to make a more plausible plot?; Xmen,the last stand,(an ageing Halle Berry on a bad hair day did not stop me from almost nodding off!) My youngest saw it twice! Generation gap?;Miami Vice, ho-hum, inspite of Jamie Fox and Gong Li; Friends with Money, unfunny and uninspiring, an unattractive Jennifer Aniston didn't help!; Borat, too crude and too much slapstick!;Harry Porter and the Order of the Phoenix: Boring, I nearly fell asleep!;Die Hard 4: too corny and far-fetched. Bruce Willis should really retire now!;Shoot them Up, Too violent & far fetched! . . .
A waste of time & money!
Marie Antoinette: So long and boring that half way thru you wonder why they won't get on with it and cut off her head. And you don't even get to see that in the end as the film ends abruptly when the royal family leaves the chateau . . .


I watch comedy hour with Jon Stewart, London dateline on BBC, desperate housewives,Spooks, Lost,24, Heros & Dexter. . .


a wide variety: anything I can get my hands on nowadays, as I like to read on my bicycle in my gym.


My hubby and my late father and my late mother-in-law who was mercilessly gang(group)-stalked (google this) by a now deceased close relative.

My late father, Goh Keng Swee, and his golf trophies.

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My Blog


  I just took out the rubbish today and while doing so, Eureka, something struck me. With all this fuss about climate change and minding our carbon footprints, we have surely overlooked an impor...
Posted by ivy on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:14:00 PST


Last night I watched the French "American Idol"  (The Star Academy) finals which was as exciting as the World Cup Finals and had a lot of similiarities. Cyril from the French Island, Ma...
Posted by ivy on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 12:08:00 PST


The best cadeaux in life are free! They are the ones that are completely unsolicited and completely unexpected.   It's  like when  the founder of my children's school in Paris, sha...
Posted by ivy on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:55:00 PST


Some time ago I wrote a blog on Happiness citing the latest trend: international surveys on the Happiness level of people living in different countries. (By the way, another such international survey ...
Posted by ivy on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 03:06:00 PST


Recently Arthur Yap, a Singaporean poet and university lecturer (English Department of the University of Singapore), passed away after a long struggle with cancer.  Arthur has always been a good ...
Posted by ivy on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 08:28:00 PST


Yesterday I  saw a BBC world programme on Happiness which made me reflect a great deal on life. It was based on a  survey on Happiness done by the New Scientist Magazine (UK) which...
Posted by ivy on Mon, 08 May 2006 02:15:00 PST


  Hey I'm the original 70's Gal Love, sex, weed, sharing, caring, music, protest. . . I have done it all I was the original flower child . . . That's why I am here today  & That's why I...
Posted by ivy on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 03:48:00 PST


These were the famous words of Marie Antoinette (altho' french historians swear she never said them and it was all a fabrication of their anglo saxon counterparts) that are supposed to have set off th...
Posted by ivy on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 12:23:00 PST


Someone sent this to me in the mail today:   Your Mother is always with you.... She's the whisper  of the leaves as you walk down the street; she's the smell of bleach   in your freshly...
Posted by ivy on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 01:45:00 PST


Finally back on Parisien soil and just about over the jet-lag, although not the cough and cold I always seem to pick up on long-haul flights.  I do miss Philly.  I do miss all my friends I l...
Posted by ivy on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 05:58:00 PST