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photography and any type of artistic expression. travelling the world, searching for the perfect cherry blossom (yes taken straight from the last samurai) this life is one well spent if the only thing we seek is that perfect blossom.
You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.
What City Do You Belong In?
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GROOVAHOLIX' newest set IAS debut at Tatou!
Serendipity, A Bronx Tale, all Freddie Prince Jr. movies, Good Will Hunting, Bourne Identity, V for Vendetta, Centerstage, Chasing Amy, Momento, Brokeback Mountain, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, The Wedding Planner, Devil Wears Prada, Wild hearts can't be broken, Bed of roses, Chicago.
West Wing, Law and Order - all of them, Dawson's Creek, HGTV, MTV
The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Red Azalea, Yell-oh girls, Accidental Asian, The Harry Potter series
Jesus Christ, the ladies of Groovaholix, Hillary Swank, Steven Speilberg, Brian Thomas (BT)