My sisters, Music, Reading, Travel, Thunderstorms, Rain (though we rarely see it here), The Phoenix Suns...I actually have a lot of interests.This woman is awesome :)
Music...I love music! I listen to music all the time. I am not going to attempt to list it here. If you care to know ask me.
Good movies seem to be few and far between these days. Which is a shame because I love to go to the movies. I just saw Little Miss Sunshine and it totally rocked!
The Office, Lost, Arrested Development (Come On), Scrubs, The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, Extras, 30 Rock...apparently I'm really into comedy. Oh and I'm a History Channel nerd. I think Tivo is one of the greatest inventions ever (along with the ol' ipod, which I love even more than my tivo). I can no longer imagine tv without it!
I read all the time. I love to read and have read a lot of books. I have entirely too many favorites to list them here. If you really want to know you can ask me. However I doubt most people are interested in what other people like to read.
Raja know why! Members of the United States military because without the likes of them, I wouldn't have the freedoms I do in this country. (Plus we'd all have bad teeth and horrible food.) I must add Jeremy Piven for saying what someone should have said a long time ago to a clueless interviewer! I must add Jennifer Eolin to this list...she knows why!