Laura profile picture


You are my new role model for all things stalkerish.-Maggie (Seat18b)

About Me

I was born & raised in South Carolina & I quit college & moved to Los Angeles a few months ago to pursue the entertainment industry. I want to be a writer/performer &...well, we'll see how that goes. :) Avocados, paprika, & cheddar cheese are my favorite snack & my favorite thing in the world is to have a massive glass of red wine followed with a cup of really strong coffee. :)I love to laugh & seriously find humor in everything. Really heavy movies that are very long with awesome music & catchy dialogue where pretty much everyone dies in the end make me happier than most things in life. If I could be anyone it would be Tina Fey or Catherine the Great. I would love to live two days as Edith Piaf in 1939. I stand firm in my belief that Diablo Cody is the most over-rated person working in Hollywood right now. (This does not include The Hills girls..they aren't working.) I love NBC Nightly News because I have a massive crush on Brian Williams.In case I'm ever NOT on Inside the Actor's are my answers to James Lipton's questionnaire developed by the whatever-he's-called-French-guy Bernard Pivot...1) What is your favorite word? -Cabernet2) What is your least favorite word? -genitalia...or any word surrounding it...the word-makers seriously could not have picked grosser sounding words than the ones they picked for all of the genitalia...3) What turns you on? -Honesty4) What turns you off? -men who hit on me while continuously insisting verbally that "all men are pigs & scum"...sigh. if you're going to hit on me just be honest about it dude.5) What is your favorite curse word? -HELL!6) What sound or noise do you love? -coffee makers, waves, boiling water, rain, classical music7) What sound or noise do you hate? -barking dogs8) What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? -composing music for movies9) What profession would you not like to attempt? -banking..or accounting..or politics...10) If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you get to the Pearly Gates? -"Told you so."This layout is from

My Interests

reading, film, brilliant theatre, writing, journaling, literature & politics...theorizing about "Lost"...making coffee..the beach...having post-beach hair...taking pictures...criticizing the movie Juno...HAHAHhhahaha...milkshakes....Martha Plimpton & Mindy Kaling's blogs.....

I'd like to meet:

Y'all!!! Leave me a message!!


Amy Winehouse, Coconut Records, Regina Spektor, Kate Nash, Feist...anything Stephen Sondheim has ever written...namely Into the Woods, Assassins, & Sweeney Todd...umm...Kander & Ebb (Cabaret is the beesstt eevveerr)...Debussy (Clair de Lune is my favorite classical composition in the world....pretty much every movie score by John Williams or Dario Marianelli...Edith Piaf...Judy Garland...and Liza Minnelli...


Jurassic Park. The Hours. There Will Be Blood. No Country For Old Men. La Vie en Rose. The Diving Bell & The Butterfly. The Wizard of Oz. 27 Dresses.(shutup). Into the Wild. Superbad. All About Eve. Gone With the Wind. It Happened One Night.


The Office. 30 Rock. Lost. Friday Night Lights. Arrested Development. Alias. Dexter.


The Intent To Live-Larry Moss, Nicholas & Alexandra, Anna Karenina, Catherine the Great, Rasputin's Daughter, The Kitchen Boy, East of Eden, The Hours, Sense & Sensibility, and anything written by Virginia Woolf..especially her diaries & A Room of One's Own


Catherine the Great. Tina Fey.

My Blog

"Not ’til the sky!!"-a back to Charleston blog

"There are Giants in the sky!There are big tall terrible Giantsin the sky!When you're way up highAnd you look belowAt the world you leftAnd the things you know,Little more than a glanceIs enough to sh...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 05:19:00 PST

Meanwhile, in Lost Angeles...

I have been a completely new & somewhat totally unpredictable way. I've felt so stagnant lately & I guess that was just me coming out of the chrysalis & waiting for the wings ...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:58:00 PST

Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Yesterday's blog was nasty & ill. Thank you for all of your sweet & supporting "calm down, Laura, it's not the end of the world" comments. The emotional insanity that was me yesterday morning ...
Posted by Laura on Sun, 25 May 2008 05:33:00 PST

I give up.

I give. The fuck. Up.This week I was so excited because for the past THREE months I've been in a serious money hell pit & this was the week when I would be brought current on all of my big bills (...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:52:00 PST

"I ALWAYS have a plan!!."-Ben Linus...

Wow! Thursday was yesterday & I love Thursdays. "Grey's Anatomy" was amazing. Loved it. Callie is totally my favorite character & if they make her hook up with Dr. Haan I'm going to cry myself...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:09:00 PST

Details of the Plague...

There is a plague that is going around & I really am truly sorry if you get infected.This plague is so bad that I have found myself humming "Will I?" from "Rent" in my crackly hoarse voice because...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:23:00 PST

Into the woods you go again...

Into the woods you go again... "Into the woods, It's always when You think at last you're through, and then Into the woods you go again To take another journey."-Into the Woods (Stephen Sondheim...
Posted by Laura on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:00:00 PST

"Night Out"-A review of "The Office" & a quickie review of "Lost"...

So I realize I didn't do a review of "Chair Model" last week. I don't know how that got away from me. ANYWAYS....I LOVED "Chair Model." I thought it was just as hilarious as "Dinner Party" if not more...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:56:00 PST

A functioning commitment phobic decides to speak out....

Hello everyone & thanks for coming to my blog. My name is Laura & I am a functioning commitment phobic. After a 3 hour (yes, that long) conversation with my boss (who basically wanted to know ...
Posted by Laura on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 06:08:00 PST

A functioning commitment phobic decides to speak out.... style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Hello everyone & thanks for coming to my blog. My name is Laura & I am a functioning commitment phobic. After a 3 hour (yes, that long) con...
Posted by Laura on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 04:18:00 PST