John profile picture


Cose più grandi e migliori...

About Me

If you ever wanted to know about the life of a struggling writer/director in Hollywood, this is the myspace spot for you. To make ends meet I work as a Set Decorator and a prop person for commercials and television. This space will document the week to week struggles of trying to get films made, and scripts sold.

My Interests


Love "The Office," but really hooked on "Dexter"

My Blog

Back to Reality

     Hello all.  I have been remiss in my blogging because I really have had nothing to say.  Now I am back an in film development hell with money coming in, then disappe...
Posted by John on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:01:00 PST

Special "Oh, my freakin God, I cant believe how bad Quarterlife is! blog

Sorry to bother everyone mid week, but last night's debut of "Quaterlife" was so inhumanely terrible I had to pour out my unfettered bile into cyberspace as fast as possible.   If you are in...
Posted by John on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:55:00 PST

Oscar Party Video Sneak Preview

  As promised: arty-interview Check out what the stars will be eating and drinking tomorrow night!...
Posted by John on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 02:20:00 PST

Academy Award Red Carpet Rollout

Today my wife and I got to sample all the delicious food and libation that are going to be served at the Oscars Sunday night.  My wife interviewed all the pertinent people and I got to play camer...
Posted by John on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:18:00 PST

Official Oscar Party Sneak Preview

My wife was able to attend a sneak peak of "The Governor's Ball" the official after party of the Oscars this year and got to see the menu and take pictures of what this year's ball is going to be like...
Posted by John on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:06:00 PST


One word, "Fold."  Don't write for non network animation or network shows that don't make any money for the producers like American Idol, and Dancing with the Stars.  Thanks for the giant sa...
Posted by John on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:12:00 PST

Strike Over? It didn’t even hurt.

It looks like the union is reccommeding that its membership ratify the new deal.  If you've read the deal, it is still not even close to what it should be.  The internet is going to take ove...
Posted by John on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:37:00 PST

Shameless promotion

My wife, entertainment expert Jeanne Benedict will be on, "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" tomorrow, that is Friday the 1st.  She will be demonstrating tasty Super Bowl snacks.  We are taping toda...
Posted by John on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:38:00 PST

Shameless promotion

My wife, entertainment expert Jeanne Benedict will be on, "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" tomorrow, that is Friday the 1st.  She will be demonstrating tasty Super Bowl snacks.  We are taping toda...
Posted by John on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:25:00 PST


First of all, thanks to everyone who kept me in their thoughts on the 15th.  Things went very well, and Ii will keep you posted.  Secondly, the death of Heath Ledger at once stunned me, the...
Posted by John on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 07:45:00 PST