I'm interested in languages. I speak Russian and French so far. I understand Italian, but I just can't seem to spit it back out. I like to read pretty much anything that will hold my attention for more than 30 seconds. Love working out, love eating, love cooking almost as much as I love eating. I'm all about getting my nails done now that I have them. I've got some invisaligners in my mouth that prevent me from biting them.
more people like me...duh.
If it's a semi-fruity electronic 80's band with guys wearing makeup, I probably love it, but I am not limited to just that.I'm a big fan of my brother's music videos. Check out his work here:
The Black Dahlia Murder "What A Horrible Night..." from Robbie Tassaro on Vimeo .
The Big Lebowski, Old School, Amelie Love Stinks, Orgazmo, The Wedding Singer Bend it Like Beckham, Mean Girls, Life is Beautiful Blues Brothers, Chicago, Empire of the Sun, French Kiss, Chocolat, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Mallrats, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Zoolander Austin Powers, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, History of the World Part I, Dogma, Anchorman Trainspotting, and I admit, I watch the Star Wars movies every time they're on (except for Episode I)
Almost anything on Food Network, Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, Family Guy, Simpsons, some Adult Swim stuff, Judge Judy (its hilarious when people show up drunk or high on court shows), Forensic Files (always great right before bed)
Right now I'm reading The Food You Crave by Ellie Krieger. I love cookbooks, but I'll be honest...I'll read whatever is lying around. Books, magazines, blogs, cereal boxes,shampoo bottles...nothing is safe
Grandpa...he's been gone for 25 years and people still talk about what a fun, good looking guy he was.