ROCKERCHICK profile picture


Cry without weeping, Talk without speaking, Scream without Raising your voice...

About Me

Hey there, I'm a 34 year old gal. born and raised on Jersey..(Not JOISEY!!) far so good, glad to be from a place that has given the world, bon jovi, bruce springsteen, AND my mom's old neighbor, John Travolta. Like to see shows at Brendan Byrne Arena and Garden st Arts center. Can't bring myself to call it by their new names... As you can read from my profile, I am passionate about my family, U2 and makeup..I feel that I am blessed in that I have been given a talent, and that im able to make a living from it.

My Interests

My Aunt Carmela Designed this dress!!

I'd like to meet:

Oh where to begin. I'm finally happy to announce i have met one of my goals...I have met my soulmate. I have met the ultimate man who matches me on every level. I do believe my father was working on that one. He is everything i have ever dreamed of and every way ..U2 of course..Maybe now that im living in Piermont, i might get to meet Larry Mullen Jr. I wish I could have met Princess Diana..My paternal grandmother and maternal uncle and many others who passed too soon. Someone else i would have really liked to have met is my boyfriends mom....she also passed too soon, but everything my bf has told me makes me think we would have gotten along so wel.. not to mention she had fantastic taste when it came to style.


U2, Madonna, ,80's Hair Metal..A guilty distortion, Sea Hags, Corrs, KP Devlin, Billy Idol. Anything 80's , Arcade, Ratt, Fleetwood mac, Stevie Nicks Cheap Trick, Polic e, Hair Metal bands, Bon Jovi


Blues Brothers, Animal house, Caddyshack, Uncle Buck, Shawshank Redemption. Dirty Harry series, Escape from Alcatraz. the little Princess, Say anything, Star wars series Spinal Tap, ,(ha Dazed and Confused, Flashdance, Desperatly Seeking SUsan, Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, Indiana jones series, Before Sunrise. The Time Machine


History channel, Biography channel TLC and A&E. I also like Crime tv, anything with cold case files, forensic science. American Justice, South Park, CSI, Law and Orde SVU, Dog the Bounty Hunter Degrassi JR/SR high...Nip/Tuck!


The Heroin Diaries, and anything by Chuck Klosterman


My mom, may be corny but it's the truth.

My Blog

Does anyone else feel this way?

Hey there....just felt like writing to get some of my thoughts out there..Writing always helps me feel better.  Have you ever thought that nothing but bad luck is on your side. This  year ha...
Posted by ROCKERCHICK on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 10:23:00 PST

MADONNA at the Garden!!!

woo hoo!! just got Madonna tix....June is gonna be a giant dance party!!
Posted by ROCKERCHICK on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:45:00 PST


anyone feel like helping me get U2 tix?? so bummed, missed out on may tix!Cant wait til October! wah!
Posted by ROCKERCHICK on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Duran Duran Baby!!

oh my! they still rock! only took me 21yrs to see the orignal lineup! Maybe my luck is a changin!!
Posted by ROCKERCHICK on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


another day another dollar....anyone got any job prospects for me?? looks like i will be traveling for the next month and a 1/2!! Yuck
Posted by ROCKERCHICK on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST