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Piero Ricco

I am here for Dating and Serious Relationships

About Me

Che dirvi...il 29 ottobre del 1970 in Via Settimio Severo al civico 39 di Brindisi Puglia Italia Mondo alle 16,40 di un anonimo gioved nasceva un bimbo apparentemente come tanti altri invece no ero io...mi ricordo quel giorno aprii gli occhi e vidi un sacco di persone prevalentemente donne che mi guardavano che mi osservavano facendo strane smorfie col viso...son passati 13.635 giorni...la storia continua!!! What tell you ... on October 29th of 1970 in Via Settimio Severo to the civic one on 39 of world Puglia Italy toast at 16,40 of an anonym Thursdays a child was born apparently as a lot of others instead no was I ... remember that day opened the eyes and saw a people's sack prevalently women who were looking at me son come 13.635 days were observing doing strange grimaces with the face ......the continuos history!!!

My Interests

adoro viaggiare sia in aereo ma anche in macchina...la mia impronta 42 la puoi trovare a Cuba(8) Thailandia(3) Brasile(2) India Spagna Inghilterra Francia Ungheria Grecia... Adore to travel be on the plane but also the car ... my mark 42 can find her at Cuba (8) Thailand (3) Brazil (2) India Spain England France Hungary Greece ...

I'd like to meet:

essendo uno scorpione molto curioso spero di vivere quanto basta per poter conoscere ancora...molte altre cose!!! Being a very curious scorpion I hope to live as needed to be able to know still ... many other things!!!


amo alla follia i Depeche Mode li seguo da 22 anni ho visto 37 loro concerti in Italia e 1 a Londra al Wembley Arena(30/09/98) per la cronaca Brindisi Londra in macchina col mio amico Cristobal fido compagno di viaggio io guidavo e lui...dormiva...!!! Am madly in love the Depeche Fashions follow them saw 22 years ago 37 concerts of theirs in Italy and 1 in London To Wembley Arena (09/30/98) for the chronicle London Toasts on the car with my faithful friend Cristobal fellow traveller I was driving and he ... sleeping ...!!!


.....and more.....!!!


...quando voglio ridere guardo...il TG4!!! When I want to laugh look ... at TG4!!!

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Pochi tra questi...Apocalisse da Camera di Andrea Piva / Da domani mi alzo tardi di Anna Pavignano!!! Fews between these cap... Apocalypse from Chamber of Andrea Piva/From tomorrow will get up late of Anna Pavignano!!!
