Julie Cerise is a 19 years old fr e nch photographer.
After living in the USA,
she started capturing moments of life, here and there.
Quickly, she discovered a deep passion in the pr o cess of creating images.
Her im a gination nourished by her dreams allows her to use
the world as an infinite stage in which she sets up dream like s c eneries and surreal environments.
Self taught, her curiosity has yet been the best teacher.
She is the photographer for the brand Clumsy,
the creator Louise Island and for t h e upcoming "This Is Not An
Invitation To Rape Me" Scottish campaign.
Storyteller of her own kind, Julie Cerise invites us to
wa n der in her imaginary world.
Jul i e Cerise est une photographe française de dix-neuf ans.
Aprè s avoir vécu un an aux Etats-Unis,
elle commence à capturer des instants par ci par là .
Très vite, elle se découvre une réell e passion pour la création d’images.
Son imagination, nourrie par les rêve s ,
lui permet d’utiliser le monde comme un décor infini,
dans lequel elle met en scène des univers oniriques.
Autodidacte, la curiosité reste son meilleur professeur.
Elle est la photographe de la marque Clumsy,
ainsi que de la future c ampagne écossaise contre le viol.
Conteuse à sa façon,
Julie Cerise nous invite à balader notre regard dans son imaginaire.
________________°o Site.
________________°o DeviantArt.
________________°o Journal.
________________°o ModelMayhem.
.oO(What People Say)Oo.
"Her interpretation of deep instances of life ,
shot so dramatically and creatively
r eally makes her photography outstanding.
Her entire gallery is just fabulous!
"I've b e en watching Julie Cerise Photography for years,
and still each photograph creates a picture that is fresh,
beautiful, moody, and always unique.
Not only has she a good eye for the "perfect" shot,
but knows exactly what to do to make i t her own.
On a personal level, she's a humble soul who addresses her models
and fans individ u ally.
She's grown to be one of my favourite photographers,
simply because I virtually always fall in love with what she produces."Miki. Australia.
"I am comstantly impressed by Julie' s camera work.
How she builds her concepts, creates her imagery, is a joy to behold,
and one source of inspiration for this photographer.
At 18 or 19, I do not believed I possessed a fraction
of the passion and skill as she produces."Richard Beebe
Tracy, California, USA
"Julie Cerise has a fine eye for fleeting moments and her photographs capture everyday reality in natural, organic tones and imaginative composition. Her interplay of shadow and light blends the abstract with the sensual to present an individual vision." ~ Babarambob, New Jersey/USA
"I love the boldness, yet grac e fulness in which you are so beautifully
able to capture both other people and yourself.
I love your overwhelming sexuality
and the way that it never once came across distastefully.
and I am constantly amazed by the way in which your ideas are constantly
evolving to make yo u even more talented.
but mostly I just love how fun you seem to be and your wonderful personality."
"Julie has a wonderful, creative mind (full of color).
She knows how to u s e it in a photograph
and the end result is always stunning and dreamy!!!"
Paul Andrew James. USA.
"I love the sense that I'm entering an aesthetically complete world
that is like our own but more beautiful."
Sean. USA.
" I've had the pleasure of watching Julie's creative work mature over
the past couple of years
and I can honestly say that I look forward to each
and every piece of artwork she creates.
Her concepts are whimsical and emotive,
and the result is a body of work full of love, color, and dreamy aesthetics.
Her photos that involve water
(self-portrait s or with models-in, beside, or splashed full-force into the shot)
are my favorites, but I would be proud to hang any of her creations on my wall.
On a personal level, she is friendly, gen u ine, and
so far from conceit that her star shines that much brighter.
She is definitely a talent to watch and a person to enjoy."
Victoria. USA.
Buy Handmade
Some of my photographs are available directly in my Etsy shop.
...If not, contact me at [email protected]
.oO(Working together?)Oo.
I'm available for commissioned work:
oO :
Personal Photoshoots,
oO :
CD Covers,
oO :
Book Covers,
oO :
Product Photography...
Message me through myspace.
You can also contact me at:
[email protected]
©Julie Cerise.
It is against copyright law to reproduce any of the works published in this gallery.
No portions of this gallery may be used in any way.
I do not permit the use of my works for manip u lations or rendered paintings.
Please do not use these images in photoblogs or journals without properly crediting
and linking to me as the sole creator of the works.
Violation of these terms is a criminal act and
will result in prompt legal action.
Tout le contenu et les photographies de ce site sont © Copyright Julie Cerise.
Tous droits réservés.
Toute mise en réseau, toute rediffusion, sous quelque forme,
même partielle, est donc interdite sans l'autorisation de son auteur.
La violation de ces dispositions impératives so u met le contrevennant,
et toutes personnes responsables, aux peines pénales et civiles prévues par la loi.